Whats your Porn name?

budman33's Avatar
had fun with this one other night, some LA bar icebreaker joke/game guys and gals had fun with.

what's your Porn name?

rules: first name is your first pet's name, last name is the street you grew up on.


Rex Canterbury
atxbrad's Avatar
Larry Southern Oak

LOL, Damn thats a good name. I think I will roll with that one!
runswithscissors's Avatar
Well damn; I only had girl dogs growing up; I will have to go with


Do I need to go to therapy now?
Mike Onehundredandsixtieth
Corky Fawn Field
Corky Fawn Field Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
TFF! Wasn't he related to the beav?

Mine is .....

Bruce Bryden
Nina Sparxx's Avatar
Queenie Green Briar
Maxmillian Grande !
John Cardinal
Puddles Fitz
yall are going to laugh but its

Ralph North Preston
vtxghost's Avatar
Mook Lindemere
Michael_Loomis's Avatar
Sylvester Corina -- damn I actually like that haha
Chi-Chi Munger.

not bad not bad dickmunger would be better lol
Good lord I don't even want to go there....Princess Mountain. Sounds more like a female Sumo wrestler (if there is such a thing) than anything else