Sen. Josh Hawley to articles by Monday he will introduce measure to dismiss.



GOP Senator Puts Nancy Pelosi on Notice; No Articles by Monday, He Will Introduce Measure to Dismiss – Update

Image courtesy of Sen. Josh Hawley YouTube account

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), a lawyer, makes an excellent point. On Thursday afternoon, he posted the following tweet:
Dems said impeachment was URGENT. Now they don’t want to have a trial, because they have no evidence. In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution. This will expose Dems’ circus for what it is: a fake impeachment, abuse of the Constitution, based on no evidence. If Dems won’t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared.

Hawley is the junior Senator from Missouri. In 2018, he defeated two-term Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill to win his seat. Prior to entering the Senate, Hawley served as Missouri’s Attorney General.
Hawley certainly has a point when it comes to urgency. Pelosi stressed how critical it was to remove this dangerous man from office as soon as possible. She railed that he was trampling the Constitution and threatening our national security. Now, after their rush to impeach the President, Pelosi won’t say when, or even if, she’ll deliver the articles of impeachment or her list of house managers to the Senate.
I also agree with Hawley that Pelosi is hyperaware she has no evidence the President has committed a high crime or even a misdemeanor. The impeachment has no basis. It is fraudulent. Because they have put President Trump and the country through an unwarranted and needless impeachment for no other reason than their burning hatred for this brash, uncouth outsider they don’t feel belongs in the White House, it is Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler who have abused their power.
If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has the 51 votes necessary to dismiss this farce, this would be an excellent plan. Americans should not allow House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the grande dame of politics, to hold us hostage any longer than need be.
By now, she knows McConnell isn’t going to acquiesce to her demands. Especially after he watched her preside over one of the most partisan and just plain old ridiculous political performances ever witnessed in American history. Pelosi also knows that the possibility of convincing 67 Senators that the President deserves to be removed from office is close to zero. Maybe her inaction is her way of ending this debacle while saving face. No one knows what goes through her mind, but it appeared to me anyway that had this been entirely her decision, she wouldn’t have gone through with it. I believe she was pushed into it.
Anyway, if a vote to dismiss is held, and the Republicans come up short, it could end up being a huge embarrassment. McConnell can only afford to lose two Republican votes and there are several Senators whose votes cannot be counted on. Sens. Lisa Murkowski (AK), Susan Collins (ME) and the bitter Mitt Romney (UT) spring to mind.
McConnell might be able to bring Collins on board. She faces a tough reelection battle in November and will need all the support she can get. Also, Collins did come through for Kavanaugh – after great deliberation. But McConnell only has two votes to lose.
Although Trump has said on several occasions that he would like to put the Democrats on trial, the immediate “motion to dismiss” seemed to be the preferred strategy for many GOP Senators including McConnell and Lindsey Graham (SC) several weeks ago.
We’ll see what happens on Monday.

Update: It is believed that Nancy Pelosi has been taking advice from far-left Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe, who first came up with the idea of holding onto the articles of impeachment.
Tribe reacted to Hawley’s plan by claiming neither Senate rules nor the Constitution “permit” any such move. Hawley debunks Tribe’s remarks.


GOP Senator Puts Nancy Pelosi on Notice; No Articles by Monday, He Will Introduce Measure to Dismiss – Update

Image courtesy of Sen. Josh Hawley YouTube account

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), a lawyer, makes an excellent point. On Thursday afternoon, he posted the following tweet:
Dems said impeachment was URGENT. Now they don’t want to have a trial, because they have no evidence. In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution. This will expose Dems’ circus for what it is: a fake impeachment, abuse of the Constitution, based on no evidence. If Dems won’t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared.

Hawley is the junior Senator from Missouri. In 2018, he defeated two-term Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill to win his seat. Prior to entering the Senate, Hawley served as Missouri’s Attorney General.
Hawley certainly has a point when it comes to urgency. Pelosi stressed how critical it was to remove this dangerous man from office as soon as possible. She railed that he was trampling the Constitution and threatening our national security. Now, after their rush to impeach the President, Pelosi won’t say when, or even if, she’ll deliver the articles of impeachment or her list of house managers to the Senate.
I also agree with Hawley that Pelosi is hyperaware she has no evidence the President has committed a high crime or even a misdemeanor. The impeachment has no basis. It is fraudulent. Because they have put President Trump and the country through an unwarranted and needless impeachment for no other reason than their burning hatred for this brash, uncouth outsider they don’t feel belongs in the White House, it is Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler who have abused their power.
If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has the 51 votes necessary to dismiss this farce, this would be an excellent plan. Americans should not allow House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the grande dame of politics, to hold us hostage any longer than need be.
By now, she knows McConnell isn’t going to acquiesce to her demands. Especially after he watched her preside over one of the most partisan and just plain old ridiculous political performances ever witnessed in American history. Pelosi also knows that the possibility of convincing 67 Senators that the President deserves to be removed from office is close to zero. Maybe her inaction is her way of ending this debacle while saving face. No one knows what goes through her mind, but it appeared to me anyway that had this been entirely her decision, she wouldn’t have gone through with it. I believe she was pushed into it.
Anyway, if a vote to dismiss is held, and the Republicans come up short, it could end up being a huge embarrassment. McConnell can only afford to lose two Republican votes and there are several Senators whose votes cannot be counted on. Sens. Lisa Murkowski (AK), Susan Collins (ME) and the bitter Mitt Romney (UT) spring to mind.
McConnell might be able to bring Collins on board. She faces a tough reelection battle in November and will need all the support she can get. Also, Collins did come through for Kavanaugh – after great deliberation. But McConnell only has two votes to lose.
Although Trump has said on several occasions that he would like to put the Democrats on trial, the immediate “motion to dismiss” seemed to be the preferred strategy for many GOP Senators including McConnell and Lindsey Graham (SC) several weeks ago.
We’ll see what happens on Monday.

Update: It is believed that Nancy Pelosi has been taking advice from far-left Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe, who first came up with the idea of holding onto the articles of impeachment.
Tribe reacted to Hawley’s plan by claiming neither Senate rules nor the Constitution “permit” any such move. Hawley debunks Tribe’s remarks. Originally Posted by bb1961
Yeah, I read that too. They'll never send anything to the Senate. The Senate will most likely meet and vote to dismiss everything. So in essence the Democrats just wasted a lot of people's time. Because of that Trump will annihilate who ever the Democrat nominee is. The Democrats created this all on their own because they are ruthless, cowardly, vindictive stupid fucking people.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah, I read that too. They'll never send anything to the Senate. The Senate will most likely meet and vote to dismiss everything. So in essence the Democrats just wasted a lot of people's time. Because of that Trump will annihilate who ever the Democrat nominee is. The Democrats created this all on their own because they are ruthless, cowardly, vindictive stupid fucking people. Originally Posted by Levianon17
And now they are hailing the Iranian murderer as a hero that Trump "assassinated"!!
bambino's Avatar
And now they are hailing the Iranian murderer as a hero that Trump "assassinated"!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Maybe Pelosi was consulting with Soleimani on the urgency of Impeachment. Too late for him now.
Maybe Pelosi was consulting with Soleimani on the urgency of Impeachment. Too late for him now. Originally Posted by bambino
On the bright side, maybe his 72 virgins in Paradise are not as ugly as Pelosi.
HoeHummer's Avatar
And now they are hailing the Iranian murderer as a hero that Trump "assassinated"!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who’s is doing that, Lexisie?

I knows it’s an archaic value in your country these days, but yous are a deplorable fucking liar. Just like your lord god boofoo.

Fucking embarrassing!
HoeHummer's Avatar
On the bright side, maybe his 72 virgins in Paradise are not as ugly as Pelosi. Originally Posted by friendly fred
If they were trafficked Asians Sex slaves, you’d change your tune, eh?
And now they are hailing the Iranian murderer as a hero that Trump "assassinated"!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The Dems are all worried about some sort of retaliation from Iran. The Dems always have to look at the Dark side of things especially with anything Trump does. Seal Team Six supposedly snuffed out Bin Laden Obama didn't get nearly as much flack over that.
bambino's Avatar
If they were trafficked Asians Sex slaves, you’d change your tune, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You certainly would. I hear they don’t wear things in heaven.
  • oeb11
  • 01-04-2020, 08:52 AM
There is a reason that rogue nations do not "mess" with the Russians and Chinese - they know tht forceful retaliation is promptly exacted on miscreants and terrorists such as Iran.

Russia and China are feared - and do not care or want to worry about being "liked"!

DPST's are desperate to be "liked" - something valueless in the international community. Theodore Roosevelt had a good point - a quote from an African proverb - "Speak softly and carry a big stick. you will go far".
If Bush were not President for the 9/11 terrorist attack - the DPST's would have been falling all over themselves to blame America for the attacks, and trying to pay off bin laden to make him "Like" us.

DPST's are welcome to send H... to Tehran as their own party envoy to "make the mullahs like us"!!
See how well that works - their entire dictatorial theocracy depends on having an enemy in the US to pose as a threat to Iran to justify continuing their dictatorship.

Let H... and the DPST's go live in tehran as an Iranian citizen for a year and see how they like their "freedom" under Sharia law.

The elimination of Soleimani is a lesson to the Iranians that we will not countenance attacks on Americans or our diplomatic embassies . And to other terrorist nations considering such actions.

I care not who "likes" America - i care about keeping our people and embassies safe ini foreign countries - and the way to do that is to be sure terrorists nations know there is an immediate price to pay for terrorist actions.

Now the Bleeding heart DPST's and fake Canuck sympathizers can whine about their "feelings" all they Effing want.
If they can forge any thoughts in their insults/scatology ridden minds to address isues - which I seriously doubt.

all they have is two liners and russian collusion.
The Dems are all worried about some sort of retaliation from Iran. .... Originally Posted by Levianon17
The Dims aren't worried, they're hoping.

One of their talking points is "Trump gets us into wars." Read some article where all the times the media has touted this but it's never happened.
HoeHummer's Avatar
There is a reason that rogue nations do not "mess" with the Russians and Chinese - they know tht forceful retaliation is promptly exacted on miscreants and terrorists such as Iran.

Russia and China are feared - and do not care or want to worry about being "liked"!

DPST's are desperate to be "liked" - something valueless in the international community. Theodore Roosevelt had a good point - a quote from an African proverb - "Speak softly and carry a big stick. you will go far".
If Bush were not President for the 9/11 terrorist attack - the DPST's would have been falling all over themselves to blame America for the attacks, and trying to pay off bin laden to make him "Like" us.

DPST's are welcome to send H... to Tehran as their own party envoy to "make the mullahs like us"!!
See how well that works - their entire dictatorial theocracy depends on having an enemy in the US to pose as a threat to Iran to justify continuing their dictatorship.

Let H... and the DPST's go live in tehran as an Iranian citizen for a year and see how they like their "freedom" under Sharia law.

The elimination of Soleimani is a lesson to the Iranians that we will not countenance attacks on Americans or our diplomatic embassies . And to other terrorist nations considering such actions.

I care not who "likes" America - i care about keeping our people and embassies safe ini foreign countries - and the way to do that is to be sure terrorists nations know there is an immediate price to pay for terrorist actions.

Now the Bleeding heart DPST's and fake Canuck sympathizers can whine about their "feelings" all they Effing want.
If they can forge any thoughts in their insults/scatology ridden minds to address isues - which I seriously doubt.

all they have is two liners and russian collusion. Originally Posted by oeb11
More names calling and scatologies, oebsy.

Why does CLinton continue to live In Your head? It’s becoming pretty embarrassing. H this. H that, H All days long.

You’ve hitched your wagon to a turd, good buddy, And no matters how big your stick is, yous, like Trump, are incapables of speaking softly. So no matters what comes next, I can assures yous that it’s going to involve a buttsload of apologies, rationalizations and backpedalings.

Here’s my question: if yous wanted to cripple the Iranian military, why the actual fuck did yous just take out a general? Sure, he was a bad guy, but just another commander at the ends of the day. He was replaced less than 12 hours on. Military, eh? Chains of commands are set up to accounts for things like this. Didn’t you see Starship Troopers, oebsy?

The message was, if you fuck with the USeh, we’ll kill a general. Yous should have gone after Santa Claus. This wassTrump chest puffery.
  • oeb11
  • 01-04-2020, 09:18 AM
Thank you for a waste of bandwidth post - YR-hh.

You fulfilled my prediction of DPST behavior in response quite admirably.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So I asks cogent and constructive questions and you shits on the outside of the torlett.

I thought that’s the kinds of discussion you longed for .., even more than yous long for President Clinton’s wife. I know yous are jerking off to a picture of HIllary as we speaks, big shooter. Try not to get any brogurt on your keyboard.

Yous apparently want to rage against the world. Not surprised they politely asked yous to leave ‘Berta.
  • oeb11
  • 01-04-2020, 09:36 AM
Thank you - YR-hh - for more worthless waste of bandwidth.