A dream to save ourselves from ourselves

winn dixie's Avatar
I have a dream... That one day abortions will be free and plentiful. That womens care and family planning wont be under constant attack. I have a dream of 500 million only! All living better lives without as much crime pollution famine and poverty. To save ourselves we must save our planet.

A sustainable future --

500 million

Yes this coming from a Republican
... "To dream the Impossible Dream - To fight the Unbeatable Foe"

... "To reach --- the Impossible Star - Trump's face on Mt. Rushmarrrrr"

from "Man from La Mancha" (La Mancha is over Rockhampton-way back home)

... Some o' the Republicans are "woke" also, mate.
Much to our disappointment. Sad to say.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
I see a bigger clearer picture than politics religion greed and selfish living.

Population control is not a woke subject. Its common since
I see a bigger clearer picture than politics religion greed and selfish living.

Population control is not a woke subject. Its common since Originally Posted by winn dixie
Keep following that green dream and attrition will take care of that population problem you speak of. Ghana, Sri Lanka The Netherlands just a sampling of countries that went whole hog and are now facing internal revolutions. The public didn’t buy into that BS farce
That one day That womens care and family planning wont be under constant attack. I have a dream Originally Posted by winn dixie
keep dreaming

and besides

exactly what do you mean by "womens" and "family"?
The entire population of the United States, if stood shoulder to shoulder, could fit in a 3.7 square mile area.

The entire Worlds population could fit inside NY City.

So you figure out what the problem really is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like some of our favorite leaders down through the ages have advocated that type of thing.

Though I do kinda know where you're going with this.

No thanks!
winn dixie's Avatar
Population control is no farce. We have a general idea how much fossil fuels we have left. We will run out faster and cause massive deaths by famine. Thats senseless.
Cutting the population to 500 million would allow us more time to develop better technologies.
Less population results in less crime pollution famine and poverty.
Our Native Americans practiced this and many other cultures thru history and sustained a great way of life.
We utilize population control on livestock so the range can sustain a certain head count.
Ranches utilize population control on deer herds so they dont over graze resulting in starvation.
Fisheries use use this method too.
We utilize population control on other species for their own good as well for the ecosystem they live in.

Churches and conspiracy nuts are the ones to denounce this. They cannot prove this wrong. So they do their best to flood the populace with baseless propaganda and dogma. Ive heard
it all.

We need population control.
winn dixie's Avatar
keep dreaming

and besides

exactly what do you mean by "womens" and "family"? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The entire population of the United States, if stood shoulder to shoulder, could fit in a 3.7 square mile area.

The entire Worlds population could fit inside NY City.

So you figure out what the problem really is. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Narrow views will never get the big picture. womens health and family planning is just that.
The space the population could fit in has no bearing here and missing the point. That population is causing deforestation land disputes pollution and water concerns.
Focus on the big picture and LISTEN.
Population control is the only answer to our problems.
Under God.. greed and being irresponsible are not great virtues. This applies to population control. Please dont get caught up in the current religious dogma of this issue.
winn dixie's Avatar
How can one be against abortion and assisted suicide and be for the death penalty?
Or be for abortion and assisted suicide and be against the death penalty?

Makes no sense! VERY HYPOCRITICAL!!!!!!!

Dont give me the.. ones an innocent life b/s

Abortion assisted suicide and the death penalty should be legal and utilized.

Dont be a hypocrite
winn dixie's Avatar
500 million is doable in as little as 10 years with only common sense
500 million is doable in as little as 10 years with only common sense Originally Posted by winn dixie
Of course with a little help from Pfizer, Moderna and J&J and about 6.5 Billion doses of Vaccines.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
oh great. didn't expect WD to be a georgia stone supporter.
winn dixie's Avatar
oh great. didn't expect WD to be a georgia stone supporter. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Never had heard of that until the other day.

But yes Im a big believer in population control.
winn dixie's Avatar
Just read what The Georgia Stones had on them.

10 principles/guidelines-
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

Wise fundamentals Id say!