Kissing, doing it well or not at all?

So I am sure there have been hundreds of threads on this, but I am too lazy to data mine today. So I really like a good kisser and so far I have had nothing but good experiences in general, but a good kisser is not so common. I know some won't do it and that is totally cool, but I think if a provider does it there should be some attempt to do it well or take it off the menu. Your thoughts?
I'm such a heaux for a prolonged tender and sensuous kissing session! I've always found that my partner enjoys kissing as much as I do. But perhaps that has to do with compatibility. If we both mutually desire each other and are looking forward to all that follows a deep passionate make out session then I suspect all should go well in regards to kissing.
If a provider took off kissing from her menu she could say good bye to a large % of potential clients
geebeenew's Avatar
If a provider took off kissing from her menu she could say good bye to a large % of potential clients Originally Posted by aliyahrose
Truth. Kissing is a big deal for me. What I pay for is a fantasy, and kissing is a big part of that. That's why i only see GFE girls. Non-GFE no-kiss BP-type girls are fine for a lot of guys, and more power to them. But as for me, I'd rather save my money for a girl who is good at pretending she's really into me.
Agreed Lena chemistry is a must for it to be enjoyed.
holmes50's Avatar
I've gone through cycles where non gfe is okay, these days not so much.

Kissing is a big part for me now, along with all of the gfe activities. I agree with Lena, chemistry is a big part of it. Other than greek if she has a limited menu uh that will be a no see from me.
annie@christophers's Avatar
They can't kiss they can't fuck...messy gross tongue stabbed and gaggers. Are the worst. But I been hearing really bad breathe from a lot of girls. How can some dentine..or baby bottle scope be to much to ask?? I mean not only would I not want his fish breath kissing me I would want is younger nowhere on me....I mean eww...gross.. j.s annie
Kissing is a big part for me also. To me, that's a catalyst in a session. That's a big reason why I don't see non-gfe girls too
turbo-dog's Avatar
I guess I'm the outlier here... I don't like to kiss or DATY providers. I can kiss my wife, But I can't get a good blowjob at home.
I know what some of you pig fuckers look like so the last thing I care to do is put my mouth on the mouth that just finished sucking your nasty ass off ten minuets before I got there. Lets face it most of us dont see hookers because were young and attractive lol... To be honest I will kiss but she has to initiate it and then I really seldom get into it. I know its strange but kissing to me is a lot more personal than fucking and sucking. I have no trouble meeting a stranger and fucking them within minutes but feel a little uncomfortable kissing her.

As for daty I love it so its difficult for me to refrain from going down on a provider and often I do but the thought of how many dudes are doing god knows what kind of filthy depraved shit with her holiest of holies does make my stomach turn. Whats even worse is when its some hot young girl off bp and she is smoking hot and tight and I so want to eat it but know I really shouldn't but do anyway. Of course it taste like burnt fucking rubber and ball sweat from the ten dudes there before me that day. I always go in saying no not this time I dont care how young and tight her snatch looks im not going to eat it... I fail a lot at this. I love daty... I hate eating nasty tasting burnt rubber and ball sweat snatch but when its attached to a twenty year old hottie I cant seem to help myself even when I know better.
annie@christophers's Avatar
It's better to taste rubber then the other option...j.s. lol. Xxoo annie
I don't kiss nor DATY with a whore. I am not into tasting another man's cum nor sweat. I cannot get so deep in fantasy that I forget this woman just had four dudes before I arrived. No way she showers and brushes teeth after each explosion inside her. Those activities are saved for my SO when I have one.
I know I cum all over the whores and all I see them down is wipe up with a towel and put panties and clothes back on when I leave. I don't do gang bangs, swapping, orgies, etc. I just like one woman being mine. That cannot happen here so it is a lot like masterbating just by proxy. Hate using condoms but will always do so cuz that is even more gross to me BBFS with a whore. Nope not going to kiss a whore.
annie@christophers's Avatar
So tell us how ya really feel!! Ouchy! The big 20 people we got on our 4 threads just tucked tails. I guess asking if ya wanna catch some unicorns tonite at midnight it would be a bit much for the imagination? No? OK well think about it! Ahhhh. Lol. Xxoo Annie
Tail not tucked just not going for the troll bait. Because then he will go on his typical "I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHORES!" Rant.
annie@christophers's Avatar
I should hope not. That seems very rampant on other boards these days but very rarely do we get the whole YOU FUCKING WHORE..Thing...lmaof. I mean let's not start that freaking trend. Jesus. I'm in such a good mood...and I'm thinking it won't be so funny. Try as we might. Sigh. OK so gent if you were my Mandel would you kiss al if directed to? I mean if say you could kiss any profile here. Who pray tell would it be? Yes. I'm interested. ..