Jumping to conclusions. Not everyone knows whats happening! They "thinck" they do. But they don't!

Father O Really's Avatar
When MiagiSnatchSlapper came onto the scene Brittany Love knew 100% it was Mata. Way to go bitch. You were dead ass wrong! Stick to NOT fucking hobbyists and enjoy the free food!

Alana Kay was 110% convinced he was a fellow hooker trying to ruin her! Totally wrong. Alana loves the attention. Advertising gets her more victims... I mean clients. Its all good... right Alana. How stupid can a bitch be? poist an ASS & OUTFIT ThreAD coping the chick in SA. She doesn't like the other chicks posting that are hot but obviously thats not the case. Lower tier chicks post and ALANA responds to keep her BIG ASS sig line in front of everyone!

Rockerrick is the master of spotting bandles and mandles. Even that dip shit thought WakeTheFuckUp was Mata. WRONG!

And last but not least... stupid CK. He just knew WakeTheFuckUp was a liar. Why? Because WakeTheFuckUp professed to be AA. And CK knows some of these chicks that have no AA policies. So he called him out as a liar. He was so stupid he even poisted that WakeTheFuckUp was banned from his stupid fucking site! And all his recruiting events. Flash you dumb ass CK. WakeTheFuckUp doesn't exist! I can only imaging the way you screened when you ran girls! Idiot!

So in ending... lets be care not to jump to conclusions. And remember... "don't get caught with your pants down!".
Father O Really's Avatar
Warhead / Rockerrick can't imagine how another hobbyist might have PA while banned.

Hint: Any chance that a hobbyist might have a handle with Life Time PA that never posts? Hummmm let me thinck about that one!
Life Is 2 Short's Avatar
Rockerrick / Assfucker / Warhead

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