Disagree. In Texas one must be a LMT in order to offer a massage.
A bodyrub is not a massage and is not licensed.
that is why Backpage has both a 'bodyrub' and a 'massage' section.
Originally Posted by tpepsi
This is completely incorrect. instfixer is right and you're flat wrong, no matter what source of information instfixer used.
From the Texas Department of State Health Services website:
Massage therapy" means the manipulation of soft tissue by hand or through a mechanical or electrical apparatus for the purpose of body massage and includes effleurage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (percussion), compression, vibration, friction, nerve strokes, and Swedish gymnastics. The terms "massage," "therapeutic massage," "massage technology," myotherapy," "body massage,"
"body rub," or any derivation of those terms are synonyms for "massage therapy." (Emphasis added.)
I will again urge those unqualified to render legal advice to not do so here.