Sex and Sickness

With this being a really bad flu season, I thought I would throw out some common sense tips that we really all should be doing while hobbying.

1) If you are sick do not hobby. Period!
2) Before engaging in any activity and/or after touching the donation: wash your hands. It really is dirty $$
3) Do not brush or floss your teeth for at least 2 hours prior to appointment. Yes, seriously! Use something like Listerine (not scope) mouthwash to kill germs, instead. It cuts down on the chance of any trace blood/abrasions in the mouth.
4) Guys/Girls- Wash yourselves or ask for a wipe from your provider before engaging. This should be a given for all!! I can tell you sometimes times I have wiped a guy down ( in a pleasant/polite way of course) if he goes to the restroom and I notice he didn't clean himself off.
5) Lysol- Being in the medical field I look at a post session room as a contaminated environment, lol! I swear I am not OCD. It's just good to do. An ounce of prevention goes along way! I spray door handles, light switches, surfaces that have been touched in any way during play. Of course sanitize your toys and use condoms on them.
6) Hot wash all towels and washrags. I like white towels so I can bleach them.
7) Now that I have killed the mood...Have yourselves a safe and sexy night!





Still Looking's Avatar
With this being a really bad flu season, I thought I would throw out some common sense tips that we really all should be doing while hobbying.

1) If you are sick do not hobby. Period! Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi

Speaking of sick and periods....I don't hobby with chicks on their period! Or as I call it, "When The Circus Is In Town". There are ladies out there that use a diaphragm at the end of their period thinking that’s OK. Bad voodoo in my book and a NO REVIEW in the making! IJS
Scarlett, do you autoclave your bedsheets? j/k Actually, some good advice about the brushing/flossing thing. I actually do a rinse of Listerene before and chew Orbit gum on the way to a session.
Forgot the simplest thing , don't touch your eyes , nose , or mouth with your fingertips . And stay away from sick people . Of course it never fails , you show up to appt and first words you hear are , " it's only allergies " !
Anecdotal advice...I've adopted the practice of swishing for 5 minutes with a capful of hydrogen peroxide after I brush my teeth. I swear it decreases the chances of picking up oral nasties that sometimes can lead to more serious sickness. Don't gargle! Just swish.

If you ever saw a swab of what lives between your teeth under a microscope, you'd run out immediately and buy the peroxide. In addition to being a healthy habit, I find it decreases morning breath considerably.

Thanks for the tips everyone!
Outstanding advice. I am sending people home left and right from the office because the idiots don't have the good sense to stay home themselves. Get a flu shot.
sue_nami's Avatar
Scarlett this is timely advice and spot on., I was sick earlier this year and stayed home a week not seeing anyone. I truthfully told the clients that called I was sick. You would not believe the guys who tried to talk me into seeing them sick any way. wtf? If i say I am sick, you can be sure I am staying home and not spreading germs. I am well now and I hope I am Immune to the respiratory bug going around, I feel good now and I am back!
fun2come's Avatar
1) If you are sick do not hobby. Period!
... Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
of course there are those in the outside world that would argue that we are all sick and should not hobby...
now setting mental sickness aside, YES THANK YOU.

I had my thing in another thread with us guys washing their hands before or after they touch themselves, not going to repeat here, but ....

we should all wash ours hands before groping .....
fun2come, TFF! Yeah, we are all a bunch of sicko's! At least we will all be cleanly sicko's!
Cinnnamon- No, I don't autoclave my bed sheets! I do, however, put my toys in the dishwasher after spraying them down. And no, I don't put them with the dishes! Any good kinkster should know that one, lol! I'm more anal in the winter about these things Don't be surprised if you come to my incall and I'm in a hazmat suit!! In all seriousness my family had the flu last month. It set me back several weeks.
That shit is no joke. I never want to deal with that again.

Some people believe in the shot, some don't. BUT if you haven't had one by now good luck finding one with all the hysteria this year.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
One thing that might help keep some folks from getting sick. Gan Mao Ling is a Chinese herbal remedy (little yellow or brown pills) that really works. I was a skeptic until a friend brought some and I tried them. When you feel that little tickle or other beginnings of a cold or flu (viral) you take four every six hours for 24 to 48 hours and I swear you won't get sick. I haven't been sick in five years (except in the way fun2come mentions). I read some studies that found that the herbs in the formula have anti-viral properties and they really can knock a cold or flu out before it begins. I do also take a flu shot when I can find one. Gan Mao Ling runs about $3 to $12 a bottle depending on source and how many pills. Find a Chinese herbal store in your local Chinatown and stock up. All I can say is I don't go in for much that doesn't have scientific proof, but this worked for me.

Oh, and be sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently. That works damn well too. SR, ain't about "believing in the shot" it does work, but it does depend on which flus it is guarding against and which are getting you sick. Sometimes there isn't a match and you get sick anyway. It also isn't 100%, but you will get far less sick usually than otherwise. The flu shot is set up to keep you from getting the most common flus that they project will hit our area. If others arrive or those mutate more than expected, the shot may not protect as much if at all.

Once you are down about the only think is lots of rest and fluids and treat the symptoms.

Remember, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger LOL
  • Paven
  • 01-16-2013, 10:09 AM
I was watching the news and they said one of the filthiest things is our cell phones or any phone for that matter so many germs on them and our computer keyboards as well so wipe them down regularly. I carry hand wipes in my vehicle so after I pump gas or pay for something I can wipe them off. I don't push elevator buttons with my finger, I use my elbow or knuckle. I'm not putting my hands on escalator handles or any doors. I will wrap my sleeve around a door handle if I have to pull it open. If you have to sneeze and you don't have a tissue don't sneeze into your hand sneeze into the crook of your arm. Fist bump instead of shaking hands. When I check into a hotel while touring I wipe down everything with Lysol wipes even before I unpack.

It's funny when I visit with a gent and I offer him a hand wipe and he tells me that he just washed his hands. Well maybe you did but you touched your car door handle, your steering wheel and you just set cash down on my counter so the germies have re-entered the picture and I give them a friendly reminder of that. Then they realize wow you just don't realize how many things that you do touch.

Lysol makes a hands free soap dispenser that runs on batteries that are included. This is awesome because when I am cleaning up a gent afterward my hands get "stuff" on them and when I go to wash them I don't have to "pump" the hand pump I just put my hands under it and it triggers it. Then I use my elbow to turn the knob to get the water running, all hands free!

HEB also offers cart wipes when you pick up your shopping cart so utilize them and wash your hands frequently!

Oh and even if you have allergies wait til you're better before you participate in play time. I had them for a week back in September and I was down for the count, I can't imagine playing when I felt like I did.

I'm not OCD but I am all about preventative maintenance. Stay well people .
Use your own pen vs the one on the counter at the bank or HEB etc
I tend to be more on the cautious side. I like to fully envelop myself in bubble wrap for meetings with gents. One can never be too careful with seasonal germs. Now Im not a complete buzzkill , I do cut out holes in two prime areas to allow for proper coming and going ...
Actually I find the pop , pop , pop to be quite fun. I even like trying to get our timing so rythmic we can pop pop pop the tune of B I N G O , or Smoke On The Water. When A man asks me if I can bounce him back .... I can confidently say yes babe. Yes I can.
Actually I find the pop , pop , pop to be quite fun. Originally Posted by purtybaby
Me too ! Well at least pop !

PB you should post more , you have good sense of humor !