A goodbye message to my friend.

I know this is probably not the place at all for this topic, since most topics are sexual in nature and/or filled with drama; however...this hit me kind of hard today. So I want/need to vent and tell someone-anyone.

Today, I found out that an old friend of mine died. Cancer took him back in June. Had I been a better friend and visited him more often, like I promised him that I would, I could have been there for him before he died.

The last time I saw him, which was about 5 months ago, I knew he did not have long to live and that cancer was literally eating him down to the bone. He had lost over 90lbs. My friend was in his 70's when he passed and acted like a grandfather to me many many many times during the years I knew him. He looked after me, gave me great advice on whatever issue I was having at the time and always seemed to make me laugh.

He was a veteran of two wars; the Korean and Vietnam war, receiving many accommodations and awards for his bravery. He was a family man also. A father, husband, brother, son, grandfather, cousin, etc...but most importantly, he was my friend.

Several years ago something bad happened to me, and this man saved my life. Without regard for his own life he helped rescue me, by providing much needed first aid to me so I would not die and then stayed by my side for days while I was in the hospital. To him, it was just "the right thing to do for a person in need". I owe everything that I have now to this man.

Without him, I would not even be here. So I guess this is my way of telling him goodbye, and that I will truly miss him. With my whole heart.

I just wish I could have been there to say goodbye to him one last time.
That was beautiful, Slubby. Thanks for the reminder to always let the people that are important to you, that you love them and appreciate them...before it's too late. Big hugs to you.

Ohhhh no ... that's so sad to hear.

I can feel the pain over here, slubby .... so very, truly sorry for the loss and difficulties. Words can't convey as much as actions but I'm sincerely expressing them from the heart.

Love today like it's the last day on earth because tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Depression is a dark, lonely place. Take as much time as needed to heal but don't isolate yourself completely. There's comfort in the company of friends and family. If you can find happiness in the things and people around you, that's all that matters -- everything else is trivial.

We haven't been on the best of terms but I'm more than willing to lend a hand or offer a shoulder to lean on. It's the right thing to do. No strings attached. I promise, my word is my bond. Please let me know what I can do, ok?

Sending positive energy and hugs your way.

Slubby, I am so sorry to hear of your friend passing. The best you can do is remember him and speak kindly of him to all that will listen.
sparrow1122's Avatar
Sorry to hear. From reading your post, I need to be a better friend to some of my friends.
Im sorry baby wish i could hold you. Im sorry about today.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Slubby I hope vetting is helping a little. I have lost best friends, friends, but never one who saved my life. That is triple whammy. Man I can only imagine that pain. I have many years to go and I hope I never face that one. I wish you the best. D
Slubby, great friends are a true treasure and the loss of one is never easy. I understand your regrets, most everyone has them to some degree. I also have a great friend whom I call a brother but would be proud to call him my father. I have lost track of him about 8 years ago and I fear to hear he has passed as well....thus your post hits me hard for similar reasons.