
Little far stretched... But anyone ever get blackmailed or tried to get blackmailed from a crazy provider... like she said I have your picture I will post... I have our texts I will post them... just curious
How about I will come to your place of business
what did she try to do
Couple of times on sugar daddy sites a few years ago. Nipped it in the bud both times. Have to be very careful to protect one's privacy, especially with women you don't know very well
And that's why I never send any pictures at safe gents
Yeah I've had people threaten that sort of thing. Tell the wife, claim to know where i work, etc
Jon Colden's Avatar
It has happened to me, too, on a number of occasions over the years, with a handful of providers, though none ever dared to act on it. "Trust" is a valuable commodity, but I've found that it can be easily misplaced.
Yeah none have acted on it. We have such psychotic clients, etc. that nobody would believe them anyway. I've gotten death threats from cases so it's not so out of the question that a psycho would make something up
Most are smart enough to realize they can make more money and have more fun fuckin' than they can make extorting...
Jon Colden's Avatar
Most are smart enough to realize they can make more money and have more fun fuckin' than they can make extorting... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Personally, I doubt that the ones who resort to this sort of threatening behavior have much fun fuckin', as you put it, at all. I think, to them, it's more like washing dirty windows or cleaning public toilets. Distasteful work they feel compelled to do to feed their self-destructive habits or to help their neuroses blossom into psychoses. Unpleasant but more immediately rewarding financially than the other employment options typically available to them.

Threats like this seem more like a reflection of the weakness of their position and the powerlessness they're feeling.
I had one who threatened this after I nicely told her I didn't plan on seeing her again. Went to some effort to come up with some b.s. story that was credible but didn't hurt her feelings I.e. had nothing to do with looks or performance or some such. She just got pissed at me cause she losing future income (I only saw her one time) n got mad enuf to threaten something a day or 2 later. Imagine there are all kinds of reasons some women do this...
Most are smart enough to realize they can make more money and have more fun fuckin' than they can make extorting... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Personally, I doubt that the ones who resort to this sort of threatening behavior have much fun fuckin', as you put it, at all. I think, to them, it's more like washing dirty windows or cleaning public toilets. Distasteful work they feel compelled to do to feed their self-destructive habits or to help their neuroses blossom into psychoses. Unpleasant but more immediately rewarding financially than the other employment options typically available to them.

Threats like this seem more like a reflection of the weakness of their position and the powerlessness they're feeling. Originally Posted by Jon Colden
That's what I said - you just used way more big words.

fuckin Ed....
Yep happened too me last spring from a crazy bitch from schenectady........she said she was going too go too the police and my GF and tell them both I picked her up at a bar and rapped her......which was not the case as she was at my house more then once (she drove herself EVERYTIME) and we did an overnight at a hotel once as well. However I don't mind tell you that I was worried a great deal. she really fucked with my life for a few months. I actually hate her more then my exwife who costed in thousands!!