2020 elections Biden hits back at reporter asking if he took a cognitive test: ‘Are you a junkie?’

  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2020, 07:00 PM

The former vice president, who has bristled at attacks from Trump claiming he's mentally slowing, confirmed he has not taken a cognitive test.
Biden hits back at reporter asking if he took a cognitive test: ‘Are you a junkie?’

Joe Biden rebuked a reporter who asked if the former vice president had taken a cognitive test, claiming that asking the question was similar to asking the interviewer if he was using cocaine.
CBS correspondent Errol Barnett prompted the presumptive Democratic nominee to clarify if he had taken a test measuring his mental acuity, leading to a tense exchange.

"No, I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man,” Biden said. “That's like saying to you, before you got on this program if you had taken a test were you taking cocaine or not. What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?"

A clip from the interview, which was conducted as part of the virtual convention of the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, was released Wednesday morning.
"It was a preposterous question deserving of a response that showed the absurdity of it all," a Biden campaign official told POLITICO.
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez also took aim at Barnett's line of questioning.
"That's a stupid question, with all due respect," Perez told MSNBC on Wednesday afternoon.
Biden has long bristled at claims that he is mentally slowing. President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is prioritizing Biden’s cognitive ability as a key issue, aiming to portray Biden as doddering and incompetent.
At a press conference in late June, a reporter asked Biden if he had taken a cognitive test. The former vice president did not directly answer and instead claimed he was “constantly tested” by the demands of the campaign trail.
“I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against,” Biden said at the time.
In the interview segment released on Wednesday, Biden again went after Trump.
"Well, if he can't figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, I don't know what the hell he's talking about,” Biden said, referencing questions on Trump’s reported cognitive test that made headlines during a July interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News.
Biden, who is 77, would be the oldest person to assume the presidency on Inauguration Day if he is elected, beating Trump, 74, who is the current record-holder.
A June POLITICO/Morning Consult poll found voters largely viewed Trump and Biden’s health the same, with slightly more voters responding the Republican was in poorer health.

SR - where are you on this latest gaffe - "Are you a Junkie" to a black journalist.

BTW - the report is from Politco - a Leftist marxist rag. Cannot claim fake news from your own!!!

What would your comments be if Trump said that in that situation????
Still think Biden is mentally stable enough for POTUS??
if you thought Trump was out of control with his tweets - wait on Senile joe Biden and what he comes up with for the DPST's.

asking a black journalist 'Are you a junkie' - after denying the black people as to diversity in comparison to hispanics.

Where are you SR ?????

if Trump did anything like this - the LSM wold be in 'Outrage" for weeks!
But not when Senile joe biden does it.

Hypocrisy - thy name is Libdems.

Comment - SR///
Biden, in the back of his mind, thought he was being mocked by the uppity "reporter"...
Lou Spowells's Avatar
To be fair, that sounds like something Trump would do. Trump is very good at making funny insults.
bambino's Avatar
Biden, in the back of his mind, thought he was being mocked by the uppity "reporter"... Originally Posted by friendly fred
Wasn’t the reporter black?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
biden.. more biden gaffes which the DNC tries to cover up or explain a way.

lol... need eye say more?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
We can go around forever comparing stupid remarks made by either Trump or Biden. Trump can't even pronounce the word "Yosemite", a word my 2nd grade grandson can pronounce perfectly. Trump keeps making ridiculous statements about the coronavirus: Children are almost immune to the coronavirus. We will wake up one day and it will be gone. When the weather gets warm it will disappear. On and on.

I don't have to defend Biden. The question asked of him was inappropriate in Biden's opinion and Biden made a response that was also inappropriate. I'll let the voters decide on which candidate is more deserving of leading the country. If that decision is Trump, I will live with it.

Trump's approval rating is still negative double digits, -13.4% on 538, -12.2% on RCP. Biden leads by 6-8% at the national level. Biden leads in virtually all the battleground states and is leading or within the margin of error in several other states that were not considered battleground states -- Ohio, Iowa, Georgia, and Texas. And as of today, 88 days from the election, Trump is in trouble.

I know your responses. The only poll that matters is on November 3rd. The polls are wrong. There are these secret Trump supporters out there who will miraculously show up on election day. Trump came from behind in 2016 and will do it again in 2020.
We can go around forever comparing stupid remarks made by either Trump or Biden. Trump can't even pronounce the word "Yosemite", a word my 2nd grade grandson can pronounce perfectly. Trump keeps making ridiculous statements about the coronavirus: Children are almost immune to the coronavirus. We will wake up one day and it will be gone. When the weather gets warm it will disappear. On and on.

I don't have to defend Biden. The question asked of him was inappropriate in Biden's opinion and Biden made a response that was also inappropriate. I'll let the voters decide on which candidate is more deserving of leading the country. If that decision is Trump, I will live with it.

Trump's approval rating is still negative double digits, -13.4% on 538, -12.2% on RCP. Biden leads by 6-8% at the national level. Biden leads in virtually all the battleground states and is leading or within the margin of error in several other states that were not considered battleground states -- Ohio, Iowa, Georgia, and Texas. And as of today, 88 days from the election, Trump is in trouble.

I know your responses. The only poll that matters is on November 3rd. The polls are wrong. There are these secret Trump supporters out there who will miraculously show up on election day. Trump came from behind in 2016 and will do it again in 2020. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If Biden is actually leading it's only out of hatred for Trump not out of any Merit Biden has. Which tells me America is in big trouble.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
If Biden is actually leading it's only out of hatred for Trump not out of any Merit Biden has. Which tells me America is in big trouble. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I don't necessarily disagree with you. Remember 2016? Many, if not most, voters voted for the lesser of 2 evils and Trump came out ahead. The same may be true in 2020. The difference is that Biden does not have the caustic personality that Hillary Clinton had and will not, in my opinion, alienate as many voters. Those that voted against Trump in 2016 will more than likely vote against him in 2020.
Wasn’t the reporter black? Originally Posted by bambino
Indeed he was and as such I think we have proof that Biden may be reflexively racist deep in his core belief system.
I don't necessarily disagree with you. Remember 2016? Many, if not most, voters voted for the lesser of 2 evils and Trump came out ahead. The same may be true in 2020. The difference is that Biden does not have the caustic personality that Hillary Clinton had and will not, in my opinion, alienate as many voters. Those that voted against Trump in 2016 will more than likely vote against him in 2020. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Don't let Biden fool ya. You can just look at the guy and tell there is no one home. The public is the farthest thing from his mind. The only thing Biden looks forward to is his meds and his next nap.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't have to defend Biden. The question asked of him was inappropriate in Biden's opinion and Biden made a response that was also inappropriate. I'll let the voters decide on which candidate is more deserving of leading the country. If that decision is Trump, I will live with it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
biden misunderstood or lost the context of reporter's question.

cognitive = cocaine

he thought he was being asked a drug test question.

he basically accused the reporter of being a junkie.

good indication that he's in an early stage of losing his marbles.
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2020, 09:05 AM
Any more - for biden it is not so early a stage of dementia!
Vote Biden - and put in a Radical VP to inflict marxism on Amerika!
Which is the bottom line for the DNC.

SR - you are correct - you don't need to 'defend" biden. Biden is incapable of comprehending he is in a race for POTUS - Biden stated earlier in the 2020 campaign he was running for "Senate'!

regardless - Biden could shoot One dead on 5th avenue in NTC and the DPST's would not care one Whit, or change their votes.

The choice One makes in Nov may well be the last free election ever in this country.

Civil War is coming.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Trump can't even pronounce the word "Yosemite", ...The question asked of him was inappropriate in Biden's opinion... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hmmm, curious that. A Premium Access member said the exact same thing just 18 minutes ago in another forum. Curious. No? Signing from ye olde same hymnal? Kindred spirits? Hmmm...

Anyone else recall ODumbo with "corpse... man"?

And here we have a crowd of Trump losers who probably never saw Trump try to pronounce the word YOSEMITE... Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
You mean the question about his mental flit, err fliti, uhm flitnessss, according to Joe? Which was a reasonable question, given that he had said he takes a cognitive test all the time, but now says he never did and why should I. But to be fair, he probably was just concerned about one of his children that does have a coke problem deluxe. Either that or he really is a racist to assume a black news host is a junkie - like the all are, seeing whereas he says they are all just alike.

Good ol' Joe-mentia, at his level best.
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2020, 09:23 AM
The DPST's are in full Denial and Deflection mode.

Biden is irrelevant - the VP will inherit the oval office if biden is elected.

DNC wants a radical marxist - and will get one - carefully covered for what few "moderates" are left of the DPST party.
bambino's Avatar
We can go around forever comparing stupid remarks made by either Trump or Biden. Trump can't even pronounce the word "Yosemite", a word my 2nd grade grandson can pronounce perfectly. Trump keeps making ridiculous statements about the coronavirus: Children are almost immune to the coronavirus. We will wake up one day and it will be gone. When the weather gets warm it will disappear. On and on.

I don't have to defend Biden. The question asked of him was inappropriate in Biden's opinion and Biden made a response that was also inappropriate. I'll let the voters decide on which candidate is more deserving of leading the country. If that decision is Trump, I will live with it.

Trump's approval rating is still negative double digits, -13.4% on 538, -12.2% on RCP. Biden leads by 6-8% at the national level. Biden leads in virtually all the battleground states and is leading or within the margin of error in several other states that were not considered battleground states -- Ohio, Iowa, Georgia, and Texas. And as of today, 88 days from the election, Trump is in trouble.

I know your responses. The only poll that matters is on November 3rd. The polls are wrong. There are these secret Trump supporters out there who will miraculously show up on election day. Trump came from behind in 2016 and will do it again in 2020. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you don’t see a big difference in the way Trump communicates and Biden, there’s nothing to discuss. Trump has granted more media access than any POTUS in history. He doesn’t duck anyone. He can speak for hours without a teleprompter. Biden’s camp doesn’t want him to debate. That would be a disgrace. They know he’s not up to it. He’s exposing himself everyday now. And he only shows up for snippets at a time.

His comments yesterday again exposed how he really feels about the AA community. I don’t think the media can cover this up anymore.