SA worth it?

Johnh2987's Avatar
I've been wondering about making an SA account, but it seems a little pricey for what it is. Is it worth having? I have a significant other so I can't post face pictures. What's your opinion on SA?
Love SA. It's amazing. I have banged anywhere from 18 year old college students (or not in school) to smoking hot single moms in their 20s and 30s to 40-50 year old smokeshows. You need to put in the time and effort to message and talk and work it out.

It is not STG. I cannot repeat this enough. It is not STG. You need to treat them, at least on the face of it, like real people. But 90% of them know the drill and are experienced at pay2play. They just don't see themselves as addicted hookers, which they aren't. Real people, real jobs, real lives, etc.

Seeking is one of the best things I have done hobby wise but it takes time, you need some game, and I think pictures do go a long way.
For those of us with SO - pictures are tough. Do most of them expect/want to meet in public and or communicate a lot? Have you ever tried the super respectful but direct approach? Saying right up front that you are looking for a very discrete and private relationship that is mutually beneficial?
What EG said exactly… quality of girls you meet is second to none. At some point you’re gonna have to send a picture… SA allows u to hide your pictures and only share when you’re comfortable. Like after your talking to a chick and you know she doesn’t have a connection to your SO. Most girls are one of 2 tiers… 4$ or 5$. You have to host somewhere, your place or hotel. But again… STG is (Staff edit) for 90%… SA is 90% real world girls. Be prepared to put in the effort. If you have no game or are a fat ugly fuck… it’s gonna be harder. But $$ changes everything. A dude who’s a 6 w $$ can pull 9s all day. Don’t underestimate the time… measured in hours and weeks. Sometimes on and off communication for weeks pulls a 9 who jus lost her SD and your the guy she’s kept playing with and she now needs $$.

Ask yourself… is the effort worth pulling IG model quality. Not sure if that’s everyone’s experience, but it’s not tinder. $$ is a game changer.
Johnh2987's Avatar
I don't mind putting in the work, I just get a little nervous since I have a SO. I can't exactly communicate all day like I used to. It would be more on and off throughout the day and most likely not at all on Sundays. I want to give it a try but I don't know if they would be alright with that.
I really appreciate the feedback! Thank you very much!
You're not communicating throughout the day, or even every day. Just when it suits you - sometimes not even every week. Same for her. This isn't a message when you're ready to go, its message to find someone you click with and then take it off the site. Sometimes its pure transactional fun, sometimes it takes a meeting or two to get comfortable before the alone time happens. But its always NSA.
It is 1000% worth it.
I have had some amazing times.
Just put in the work and learn how to message and how to weed out the scammers. That just takes time and effort but is totally doable.
Johnh2987's Avatar
That sounds like something I could work with then. Only other reservation I have is that I have an SO, so I have to becareful with what pictures go on. Can you have a profile picture that doesn't show my face?
Again, I really appreciate the help everyone! Thank you
I dont have any pictures public. When I message someone I request their private pictures, if any, and then share my private pictures with my opening message. You don't ever have to share your pictures if you don't want to. I've talked with a lot of girls on there and the consensus of pictures is that you need to have some pictures, unless you're a diamond member. A profile without any pictures is not taken seriously. That being said. You don't have to show your face until you move things off site.
Al Gorithm's Avatar
Y'all use the SA app, or just on the website? The app has the wort reviews I've ever seen.
The app sucks. I use the site but move conversation off site within a few messages
Anyone figure out a way around being banned? Someone I messaged replied with "pay2play" in her response and they banned me and took my $$. I tried signing back up with another credit card and email address but that didnt work.
I've read mixed things about Visa gift cards with some saying they work and others saying they dont.
You can't be explicit like that on there. "Mutually beneficial" "stress relief" etc. Then takei t to texting.
You can't be explicit like that on there. "Mutually beneficial" "stress relief" etc. Then takei t to texting. Originally Posted by EGrayupstate
Yeah, I knew that but the woman I was messaging apparently didnt. I assumed she got banned too.
Johnh2987's Avatar
Oh alright, didn't know that about the pictures. I thought you had to have a picture of yourself as the profile picture. That helps, I'd feel more comfortable about it if they're private at and only people I approve can see them. Thank you! And good to know about wording, I'll make sure I don't say things to get banned and just hope no one says those to me. That's an unfortunate circumstance
Ive never been banned because of something someone else said and ive def had accounts banned that I was talking to.

You can also set it so you dont show up in searches, they will see you once you view/message them but they won't see you by default in searches.