Good Credit Mortgage Applicants With Large Down Payments Will Now Be Penalized to Subsidize High Risk Borrowers Effective May 1st. Democrats Are Communists.

Financially responsible mortgage applicants will now be penalized to subsidize higher risk applicants. These people are communists. Wake up. Swallow the red pill. Stop denying what your eyes are telling you.

... Well, actually - "China" Joe Biden is now sayin' that
the plan won't quite work that-way, mate.

Bunt then - how can ANYBODY (but China) trust ANYTHING Joe sez??

#### Salty
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”
texassapper's Avatar
Just one more way for those who make good decisions to subsidize those that don't.

That's all The United States of Gay is now.

The only good democrats are the dead ones, and even then they keep voting.

Financially responsible mortgage applicants will now be penalized to subsidize higher risk applicants. These people are communists. Wake up. Swallow the red pill. Stop denying what your eyes are telling you.

Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
There's no incentives to having good credit under socialism.