Sex Workers Rally To Sue US Government For USD 1 Billion

Sex Workers Rally To Sue US Government For USD 1 Billion

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Tylus_amore's Avatar
London Rayne's Avatar
Just wow...this should get interesting lol. Thinking to sue, you kind of have to come out and tell the entire world you're a vagina vendor? Yea, no thanks.
rex111999's Avatar
Just wow...this should get interesting lol. Thinking to sue, you kind of have to come out and tell the entire world you're a vagina vendor? Yea, no thanks. Originally Posted by London Rayne
vagina vendor... hahahahahaaaa
pyramider's Avatar
They have them in OK, too.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Prostitution is typically a local/state crime. Suing the federal government is pretty pointless since the law is at the state level.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Not a lawyer her, but I think the case has merit at the Federal level vis-a-vis several reasons. First, they can make a point that human trafficking laws at the Fed level push prostitution into the shadows where abuses take place. Second, the Man Act is a Federal Law which could also bolster their case. Third, a victory at the federal level would set a precedent that would impact all 50 states. Whether the suit goes any where or not is entirely something else but hosting it at the federal level is not a bad move.
Wakeup's Avatar
Yeah...let us know how that works out for you...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Yeah, send "Charlie Spice" a big donation - in a plain white envelope, of course - and then he'll fuck you over.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Just another example of people failing to accept responsibility for their own actions

With exception of very limited number of true victims of human slavery and trafficking, absolute majority of sex workers do so by CHOICE.

Just like people smoke by choice, eat fatburgers by choice, and peel paint off the walls. Then they have light bulb moment and yell "OH WAIT A MINUTE - SOCIETY MADE ME DO IT" and try to find the deepest pocket.
London Rayne's Avatar
I wonder how many wives would want to sue us claiming we MADE their husbands cheat? I agree...own your shit, and stop trying to rationalize by blame shifting.
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 01-28-2013, 11:36 AM
Just another example of people failing to accept responsibility for their own actions

With exception of very limited number of true victims of human slavery and trafficking, absolute majority of sex workers do so by CHOICE.

Just like people smoke by choice, eat fatburgers by choice, and peel paint off the walls. Then they have light bulb moment and yell "OH WAIT A MINUTE - SOCIETY MADE ME DO IT" and try to find the deepest pocket.
. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

Agree totally with your statement!!! I hate bullshit lawsuits!!! We all end up paying for them.