Isn't Testimony of Misconduct Evidence of Misconduct?

Are the first-hand statements of members that someone has committed ban-worthy actions considered evidence of such actions? If ten witnesses say something happened but there is no written documentation of it happening, are the witnesses just ignored?

We will take any info submitted to

We will need to discuss this with the witness.

Thank you,
shooter6.5's Avatar
Show me the ten eye witness statement situations. I have not seen them come forward. I have seen a lot of joining in. Reese did submit some data and it was acted on under ASPD. Has nothing to do with eccie . I have offered to discuss this personally with Reese and I believe we will. And I will discuss this with any of the other women mentioned. Personally face-to-face.

Lusty Chick submitted some info to me, but since it was in a PM I cannot release it without her OK. It may not fit with your current thoughts.

The Rachel deal was more of a love match between FWOG and another member who is no longer here. Without Rachel's statement it means very little. If she contacted the staff then I am unaware of it.

I have no idea about anything alleged about Cammeron since she has not contacted us that I know of.

Sorry. the short answer is that if we took action on rumors we were told of then a lot of women and men would be gone.
Shooter, you know I have all the respect for you in the world, but talking about this face to face seems uncalled for now. I have submitted my "proof" that he is dangerous. Nothing we talk about will change the fact that I have been told that since my ordeal with him was before Eccie that its not usable. Cool, I have to live with that. Rachels ordeal with FWOG was tied in to my ordeal and it was not a love match. I witnessed it first hand. I am not going into it anymore. I am disappointed. Thank you for your offer.
I have all the respect in the world for Reese <3
shooter6.5's Avatar
and I am sorry about the circumstances.

Jamie, this has nothing to do with respect as Reese knows I have all the respect for her also. That is not the issue.
Never mind - edited.
Thanks, ECCIE!

Girls, the posse and the head deputy are still riding high so send those texts and record those threatening calls - this time we know what staff wants to be on firm footing

For the guys and the gals - "Each one warn one!" Then we'll all know.

Are you suggesting it would be something other than Yes?

shooter6.5's Avatar
if I had any idea what the hell is going on.

You apparently have more info than I do Stevie. You are more than welcome to take my place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1 - Shooter... Stevie may find that being a mod is a bit more complicated and WAY more thankless that he thinks.... Happy to let him do it...
All the mods I know say they are NOT having much fun and I believe them. My keyboard is filed off a little farther down the "hair-trigger" scale than yours and Shooter's. Now if they gave me a regular keyboard without the Braille symbols, I might not be so quick to judge.

If I were ever a mod they'd have to put me on tape-delay.

Apparently you got to my post before I whisked it away. What can I say at this point? LOL
Randy4Candy's Avatar
To: All Mods, Admins, Owners, and anyone else who gives a damn (or not):

1. You have to start somewhere and when this board started, for the purposes of the board's business, is fair - not popular, but fair
2. Not jumping to conclusions or seeming to play favorites ain't exactly as easy as it sounds
3. If you didn't before, you now have a thorough understanding of the term "thankless"
4. You now have my full permission to double your pay - as long as it doesn't raise my Premium Access cost. Of course, 2 x 0 = 0, so go ahead and triple it
5. Those of you who may have some sort of background in law, history, politics, or even, breathing, wittingly or not, understand the concept of "The Tyranny of the Masses" and I, for one, appreciate that
6. Those who waltz around espousing libertarianism from the hip probably ought to look it up
7. Oh yeah, actions have consequences

Thank You
stevesanderson's Avatar
Are the first-hand statements of members that someone has committed ban-worthy actions considered evidence of such actions? If ten witnesses say something happened but there is no written documentation of it happening, are the witnesses just ignored? Originally Posted by Shackleton

If one person (provider or hobbyist) will make up a story, that person could easily get 10 friends to concur on the story. The audio recorder in my pocket does not lie and one day you will be surprised when you get to compare the written story to the actual conversation.

Are you saying that you are recording conversations without letting anyone else know....

WOW, just wow....