CINDERELLA???? MESH PATCH???.....really WTH????

So apparently people are getting out of control in the plastic surgery world

A surgery to look like Cinderella though just when I thought I'd seen it all!!

And mesh sewn to your tongue to lose weight ????

I'm just in shock at what people think BEAUTY CONSISTS OF this is pure pain where is the gain again!!
What about the Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanove shes crazy looking and kinda sexy at the same time
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Concerning the Cinderella foot - that pic is gross. But after reading the article....
Having pinkie toes removed is nothing new. I remember reading that ALOT of athletes have them removed. I've never had bunions but have heard they can be painful so getting them surgically removed wouldn't be a bad thing. But altering the structure of the foot just for looks by stretching or shortening it, seems like it would lend itself to problems further down the road.
I cannot understand why someone would go through the pain of that mesh surgery. You would think that infection could set in.
AS for that human Barbie - living on air alone is kinda stupid and unrealistic.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Isn't it difficult to draw the line in body modification? I've read that some ladies apply a layer minerals to their faces in order alter the color in an attempt to be more attractive. How is that more morally acceptable than having a tiara surgically connected to your head? I am glad that people have the freedom to do with their bodies what they wish.

For those women who have a crush on prince Harry of England, how many would NOT undergo minor surgery if they heard he was searching for his royal bride with a glass slipper?

I also predict that you ain't seen nothing yet. At some point your kids are going to have to decide whether they want an internet port inserted into their brain so they can compete, or even function in the future world. While you probably doubt this, consider this: 25 years ago, would you have believed that 99% of all people would be carrying their phone around with them and not be able to function without it?

My other prediction: by the year 2034, we will all be driving flying cars.
Centaur's Avatar
My other prediction: by the year 2034, we will all be driving flying cars. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
Have you seen how Austinites drive (I use the term loosely)? If flying cars take off, I'm moving underground!

Regarding the morality of body modding...

I doubt all of the outrage is that people are exercising their right to do with their bodies are they wish. Certainly more than a few people see extreme body modding as self-mutilation - though where they draw the line is necessarily arbitrary - and I'll admit that foot grosses me out until I make myself take a step back and accept it as alien and only gross because it's not what I'm used to seeing. But others believe the only reason people do these extreme body mods in homage to pop cultural icons is because they're indoctrinated with what the critic views as "popular" beauty standards. More than a few woman (and male cheerleaders) like to feel superior by degrading anyone who enjoys mass entertainment and/or its beauty standards. To my mind this is just judgmental elitism, really no better than judgmental normality. It pigeonholes everyone who does or likes X,Y or Z as being mindless sheeple, when in reality individuals are diverse in their motives outlooks. Human beings are more than stereotypes. The hipster snobbery towards common commercialism is basically status angst in action, a way for those who fail at distinguishing themselves to contrast themselves against the mainstream.

There's a whole sub-industry of editorial articles and news stories dedicated to parading around people with unusual lifestyles or extreme aesthetics as "freaks" and selling advertising based on all the people that get a kick out of laughing at them. P.T. Barnum did it and so do modern media. I think it's dickish and juvenile, but it ain't gonna stop any time soon.

And, dude, that cortical internet port better come with the mother of all firewalls.

Love the topical Peabody avatars, BTW.
Flying CARS ???