Fake review policy

tatasddd's Avatar
What is the policy on ECCIE when a client posts a fake review, WHICH has been proven and confirmed by the alleged "seen" provider to be untrue and fake. Should it be removed and the poster banned for possibly endangering the community, or is it ok and the policy is "it's the internet everybody can post whatever he wants"? I do understand that fake reviews are hard to prove most of the time but what if they are proven fake?

The reason why this question came to mind was because former mod BSer had once banned a client whose nick I can't remember for writing a fake review on Lark Libertine, which she confirmed to be untrue.

  • Dlh
  • 07-11-2017, 07:37 AM
If someone showed provider the ros. They need the ban 2...
  • signa
  • 07-11-2017, 01:34 PM
hello pot meet kettle
berryberry's Avatar
Sounds like someone is nervous
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I just like watch Jinny whip that ass.
tatasddd's Avatar
Could the staff please provide an answer? It is a serious question after all.
bambino's Avatar
What is the policy on ECCIE when a client posts a fake review, WHICH has been proven and confirmed by the alleged "seen" provider to be untrue and fake. Should it be removed and the poster banned for possibly endangering the community, or is it ok and the policy is "it's the internet everybody can post whatever he wants"? I do understand that fake reviews are hard to prove most of the time but what if they are proven fake?

The reason why this question came to mind was because former mod BSer had once banned a client whose nick I can't remember for writing a fake review on Lark Libertine, which she confirmed to be untrue.

Thanks. Originally Posted by tatasddd
You trust a providers word about reviews? How do you determine who's telling the truth? Unless it's so obvious. Like you posting a review that you fucked Melanie Trump. That would be fake.
Hematoma's Avatar
The reason why this question came to mind was because former mod BSer had once banned a client whose nick I can't remember for writing a fake review on Lark Libertine, which she confirmed to be untrue. Originally Posted by tatasddd
When did she confirm this? I'd like to read it. Provide the review and posts from Lark. Otherwise this is speculation. Stay on topic tatas.
Shortest distance between 2 points on this one is for you to fake a review and admit to it. Then let us know what the penalty was if you're allowed back.

You know that they're not going to discuss discipline of others and your question is a thinly veiled attempt to go after someone you don't like.

So if you really want to know and the answer means a lot to you, stick your paw in the bear trap and report back if you can.
berryberry's Avatar
Shortest distance between 2 points on this one is for you to fake a review and admit to it. Then let us know what the penalty was if you're allowed back.
Originally Posted by Atomic Hamster
Well he is halfway there given he has already accomplished the first part

Now on a more important subject, where did Jinny get that smilie - she does seemingly have a propensity for whipping things
Now on a more important subject, where did Jinny get that smilie - she does seemingly have a propensity for whipping things Originally Posted by berryberry
Same place as this one.....

And this:

Oh and yeah I do.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You are correct, it is extremely difficult to prove without a doubt that a review is fake. It is sort of like reasonable doubt but much more difficult than that. Being banned is not a definite either. Much would depend on the person that was proven without any doubt at all that the review was fake. You just never know.

I believe, though I do not believe it without doubt, that most of these reviews are fake. If not fake, then extremely embellished.

To truly understand, it would take the reviewer to admit that it was a fake review with confirmation by at least three witnesses, one of which cannot be related, in order, to, without a doubt, absolutely know, that , the review was in fact, fake.

Now, if you believe that you can meet the a fore mentioned criteria, then, and only then, contact Wakeup.
tatasddd's Avatar
I don't know in the PGHsean versus CG case CG herself wrote from her own account on TOS his was fake by confirming that they did meet in the past but in 2013 and that his current review was fake.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We actually do not give a shit about what happens on the other board.
If you have issues there keep them there.