Pleading the 5th...

gfejunkie's Avatar
Why do so many people connected to this administration have to plead the 5th?

Just tell the truth for fuck's sake!
Newsflash . . . every fucker on this site does the same!
I don't know why they just don't get up there and lie through their teeth. Sure, Congress might call them on it, even hold them in contempt, or whatever.

But the Obama Administration's lap dog Attorney General will not prosecute, so it all becomes a moot point.

A Special Prsecutor is needed in this.
Not too surprising, as if they can't nail the big dog they will snap up anyone else around connected to the issue.
southtown4488's Avatar
Why do so many people connected to this administration have to plead the 5th?

Just tell the truth for fuck's sake! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
so if they plead the 5th theyre automatically guilty??
southtown4488's Avatar
so if they plead the 5th theyre automatically guilty?? Originally Posted by southtown4488
I don't know why they just don't get up there and lie through their teeth. Sure, Congress might call them on it, even hold them in contempt, or whatever.

But the Obama Administration's lap dog Attorney General will not prosecute, so it all becomes a moot point.

A Special Prsecutor is needed in this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
and if they testify theyre automatically guilty? so either way theyre already guilty in ur mind. . .but guilty of what? no one has even been charged with anything. hahaha
gfejunkie's Avatar
so if they plead the 5th theyre automatically guilty?? Originally Posted by southtown4488
I don't see anywhere where anybody said that.

All that's wanted is the truth. That's all.

You have a problem with truth?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2015, 04:49 PM
I don't see anywhere where anybody said that.

All that's wanted is the truth. That's all.

You have a problem with truth? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You usually no better than this...

when someone in authority is after your ass...there in not a lawyer around that would not tell you to invoke the 5th amendment.

I do not care for Clinton but there is not a thing wrong with invoking their constitutional right. You seem to infer there is sometimes wrong with what is being done.

i would recommend anyone who has a person of authority badgering them to stfu and hire an lawyer.

google never speak to the police without your attorney present video
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
so if they plead the 5th theyre automatically guilty?? Originally Posted by southtown4488
Not automatically but they did something to be afraid of and the line of questions that they are refusing to answer can point the way.
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  • 09-03-2015, 05:24 PM
Not automatically but they did something to be afraid of and the line of questions that they are refusing to answer can point the way. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Shall we do away with the 5th amendment?
Judy will take the 5th on the 777.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You seem to infer there is sometimes wrong with what is being done.

i would recommend anyone who has a person of authority badgering them to stfu and hire an lawyer. Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't 'infer' anything.
Just seems to be an overabundance of people pleading the fifth lately. It's just a fact.
Nobody said he couldn't have an attorney present during questioning.

Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Like I said... All that's wanted is the truth.

Do you have a problem with the truth?
Why do so many people connected to this administration have to plead the 5th?

Just tell the truth for fuck's sake! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
They're more afraid of befalling an "accident" ( in the case of Shrillary and questions related to any of her doings ) , or are sure that they'll never be investigated fully and properly by the INjustice Department ( like Lying Lois Lerner ) than they are of jail and it gives instant martyr and hero status to those who defend odummer or Shrillary.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2015, 06:02 PM

Like I said... All that's wanted is the truth.

Do you have a problem with the truth? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You sure did not seem to want the truth in regards to yellow cake, Valarie Plum and WMD's
gfejunkie's Avatar
You sure did not seem to want the truth in regards to yellow cake, Valarie Plum and WMD's Originally Posted by WTF
What the fuck does any of that have to do with pleading the 5th?