Here's one for Sheriff Goforth

Fuckem... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Glad to see someone else is fed up with all of the race baiters and thugs being able to flaunt the law like their hero odummer does.
Glad to see someone else is fed up with all of the race baiters and thugs being able to flaunt the law like their hero odummer does. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
So you admit you're an uncle tom cocksucker. You've also admitted that swishy walking is genetic. Better get yourself checked. You might have that cocksucker gene in the family.
So you admit you're an uncle tom cocksucker. You've also admitted that swishy walking is genetic. Better get yourself checked. You might have that cocksucker gene in the family. Originally Posted by WombRaider
wormser do you think that video is RACIST?

So in order to fight against the blacks, he wants us to buy a chinese-made slingshot. Brilliant.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Fucking clown post is as blank as your brain.......
Fucking clown post is as blank as your brain....... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So you admit you're an uncle tom cocksucker. You've also admitted that swishy walking is genetic. Better get yourself checked. You might have that cocksucker gene in the family. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The Guru of Gloryholes call someone else a cocksucker !! that's YOUR profession and reason for living woomby ! It's known that the gene is in YOUR family tree woomby ! That's why your famila business has thrived so well operating all of those Arkansas gloryholes ! :mf_drib ble: :woot_jump :
Abilene cop killers... I wonder who they voted for?

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Fucking clown post is as blank as your brain....... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Just trying to post something you can read and understand, dufus
Maybe he's like the hundreds of people OF DIFFERENT RACES that showed up at the gas station where the officer was murdered by the cowardly bastard that is "down wid " the #blacklivesmatter" clique and has had enough of the race baiting thugs who worship at the Reverend Sharptounge, Wright and Farrakhan church of " kill all the whites, starting with the police officers. "
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So you admit you're an uncle tom cocksucker. You've also admitted that swishy walking is genetic. Better get yourself checked. You might have that cocksucker gene in the family. Originally Posted by WombRaider
speaking of cocksuckers .. your boyfriend wants to know if you are ready for another ropy load.
So in order to fight against the blacks, he wants us to buy a chinese-made slingshot. Brilliant. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Don't worry... the rocks are from good old America not like the "chinese" with a little "C" sling shots you are worried about 0zombie... and the rocks are coated in bacon grease for your comfort...
Just trying to post something you can read and understand, dufus Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Bullshit, just another of your many fuckups hillbilly.