Need ideas on a name...

BigGuy13's Avatar
Last year for Halloween, I went to my local bar’s costume contest as a pimp. This year, I figured I’d turn the tables and go as a street walker. Sorta. Transgender type. (No disrespect intended to either side of the street.) But, I need a catchy name. Something feminine and alluring, that also might hint at my extra equipment. So, let me hear your ideas. The more humorous, the better.
Lydia Longfellow
Precious_b's Avatar
Ted Bunny. I don't know.
BigGuy13's Avatar
Bonus points for singular ball status.
Drtry1's Avatar
Strawberry SHORTcake
LeahAllurah's Avatar
Champagne Johnson, kimmy Kreme.. glitter balls? Lol idk.
Marcus78's Avatar
Robin Swallows
Olive 1Pac
mitch p's Avatar
Lopsided Lucy
nushi's Avatar
  • nushi
  • 10-23-2018, 07:46 PM
Ricki Solobal or Sansabal
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Lopsided Lucy Originally Posted by mitch p
I love this one..
TryWeakly's Avatar
Champagne Johnson, kimmy Kreme.. glitter balls? Lol idk. Originally Posted by LeahAllurah
glitter balls.... heh. good one.
Precious_b's Avatar
Mrs Doubtfire
,,,, demand your own bathroom!
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 10-24-2018, 04:04 AM
Femmely B'Dong