It was a smart choice by Romney; it will focus the campgain debate on 2 issues:

- The size of government that Americans want.
- The amount of debt (debt and deficit) that Americans want.
I think there are other choices that could have brought more heft to the ticket, but I like the fact that he chose Ryan because I take it as an indication that talk about balancing the budget and paying down debt is more than just rhetoric.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-13-2012, 08:27 AM
I don't see it making to much of a difference as people will be voting for Romney or Obama. It does make the tea party happy, but those would vote for Romney anyway. The big thing now is how the Obama backed media will play it.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think it was a brave choice. I think it was the right choice. I don't think it was the safe choice. If our only goal was to defeat Obama, I think Marco Rubio or Rob Portman would have been better choices.

Beating Obama can't be the Romney's only goal. Yes, we've got to take back the presidency, but we've also got to start cutting spending a meaningful way. If we don't begin real cuts in federal spending very soon, it will be too late; Paul Ryan knows this and he is able to articulate the seriousness of our situation extremely well.

By choosing Paul Ryan, Romney is sending a message that he's serious about cutting entitlement spending. Romney and Ryan need to change public awareness about our economic crisis to such an extent that dealing with entitlement spending will no longer be the "third rail." If Romney and Ryan campaign as aggressively, as I suspect they will, in two months, not dealing with entitlement spending will be the third rail.

Romney and Ryan need to force Obama to try and defend the status quo, which is a path to disaster.
401 k's have gone to shit,the republicans are going to redo SS and medicare.I hope you all are independently wealthy so you will be able to retire...
joe bloe's Avatar
401 k's have gone to shit,the republicans are going to redo SS and medicare.I hope you all are independently wealthy so you will be able to retire... Originally Posted by ekim008
If you think the federal governent is going to be able to continue funding Social Security and Medicare much longer, you're not paying attention. Privatizing is definitely a better way to go. The federal government has $100,000,000,000,000 (one hundred trillion dollars) in unfunded liabilities, mostly entitlements. There is no trust fund for Social Security and Medicare. Unless substantial spending cuts occur soon, the dollar will be worthless in a few more years.
What is Ekim's solution to the debt and spending ?
What is Ekim's solution to the debt and spending ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
i think he just wants a solution for his retirement...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-13-2012, 10:54 AM
What is Ekim's solution to the debt and spending ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not sure about Ekim's but I liked Bowles/Simpson

Something Paul Ryan voted against!

You silly Tea Nuts think Wisconsin was a bell weather for the national election is just wack. That was a referendum on public unions , not SS and Medicare redo. Bush tried that nationally and ya'll got Bushwhacked in 2006.
Alot of people voted against Bowles/Simpson..it is a shame that Obama didn't support it, didn't work to get support for it, and otherwise abandoned it...............more Democrats than Republicans voted against BS.................

BTW; Ryan voted against BS becuase it didn't go far enough in reducing spending and debt.........same can't be said for Obama !
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  • WTF
  • 08-13-2012, 11:56 AM
Alot of people voted against Bowles/Simpson..it is a shame that Obama didn't support it, didn't work to get support for it, and otherwise abandoned it...............more Democrats than Republicans voted against BS.................

BTW; Ryan voted against BS becuase it didn't go far enough in reducing spending and debt.........same can't be said for Obama ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It is a shame that Obama did not support it but quite ok for Paul Ryan not to? WTF kind of logic is that? .


US Deficit Panel Approves Plan, But Doesn’t Get Needed 14 Votes
And you do know the Ryan plan is actually the Wyden-Ryan a bi-partisan reform of Medicare that was passed in the House by a margin that included both Democrats and Repubicans.

Wyden is Ron Wyden a liberal Democrat from Portland, Oregon; hardly a Tea Party guy !

The Wyden-Ryan plan has received favorable support from moderates across America....here is what the WAPO editorialized:
Unfortunately, instead of welcoming the effort, the White House chose to stomp on it. Invoking a phrase used by Newt Gingrich during the 1990s, communications director Dan Pfeiffer warned that the “Wyden-Ryan scheme”could let traditional Medicare “wither on the vine,” hiking premiums and forcing seniors onto private plans. This is not a constructive or adequate response to a serious proposal.

The consistent opposition of most Democrats to premium support is yet more evidence that they aren’t really for competition at all, and never have been. Ever since the news began to spread that Senator Wyden was joining forces with Representative Ryan, liberal commentators of all stripes have denounced the plan in the same apocalyptic terms that the president used to attack the Ryan version of premium support last April. The reaction has been fast and furious for a reason: Wyden-Ryan is the antithesis of their vision for American health care. Indeed, as the debate over the past several weeks has demonstrated, the liberal vision for American health care is embodied in traditional Medicare. They don’t want to move Medicare away from today’s uber-regulatory model. Quite the contrary. They want to drag the rest of American health care toward the way Medicare is micromanaged today.
Very logical if you care about such things as cost control, privatization, freedom to choose, etc......Obama wanted big government solutions, Ryan wants more market oriented solutions that empower consumers.......it you find that hard to follow I can't help you out.

It is a shame that Obama did not support it but quite ok for Paul Ryan not to? WTF kind of logic is that? .


US Deficit Panel Approves Plan, But Doesn’t Get Needed 14 Votes Originally Posted by WTF
If you think the federal governent is going to be able to continue funding Social Security and Medicare much longer, you're not paying attention. Privatizing is definitely a better way to go. The federal government has $100,000,000,000,000 (one hundred trillion dollars) in unfunded liabilities, mostly entitlements. There is no trust fund for Social Security and Medicare. Unless substantial spending cuts occur soon, the dollar will be worthless in a few more years. Originally Posted by joe bloe

SS is full of IOU'S from the ones trying to balance the budget.If it had been left alone it would be solvent.You can;t have money any where near a politician or they will find a way to skim it.Maybe Romney will give you a voucher.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
401 k's have gone to shit,the republicans are going to redo SS and medicare.I hope you all are independently wealthy so you will be able to retire... Originally Posted by ekim008
Where are your 401k funds invested? Under Obama, my 401k went up 25% in 2009, 17% in 2010, broke even in 2011, and is up almost 10% in 2012.