Strike 2 Trump's repeal denied.

LexusLover's Avatar
Did you decide to start your own little thread on the litigation, so you could fantasize as to the outcome .... like you fantasize about R.M.?

Even CNN says: "for now"!

CNN .. isn't that the same outfit that predicted Trump didn't have a chance to be President?

You too, right? You were following CNN! Brain injury?


Get the facts! But don't get depressed about them ...

... not allowing 1.5 BILLION Muslims into our country is a good thing .... for you and all the other folks here .... because it could get crowded fast and our infrastructure overloaded ... besides when they cooked you in the cage it would really make a big mess! Then someone would have to mob up the grease!
  • DSK
  • 02-05-2017, 02:21 PM
Did you decide to start your own little thread on the litigation, so you could fantasize as to the outcome .... like you fantasize about R.M.?

Even CNN says: "for now"!

CNN .. isn't that the same outfit that predicted Trump didn't have a chance to be President?

You too, right? You were following CNN! Brain injury?


Get the facts! But don't get depressed about them ...

... not allowing 1.5 BILLION Muslims into our country is a good thing .... for you and all the other folks here .... because it could get crowded fast and our infrastructure overloaded ... besides when they cooked you in the cage it would really make a big mess! Then someone would have to mob up the grease! Originally Posted by LexusLover
All 300 pounds of him!!
LexusLover's Avatar
All 300 pounds of him!! Originally Posted by DSK
Wonder what the "rendering" is on 300 pounds of blubber.

5 gallon paint bucket full?
Did you decide to start your own little thread on the litigation, so you could fantasize as to the outcome .... like you fantasize about R.M.?

Even CNN says: "for now"!

CNN .. isn't that the same outfit that predicted Trump didn't have a chance to be President?

You too, right? You were following CNN! Brain injury?


Get the facts! But don't get depressed about them ...

... not allowing 1.5 BILLION Muslims into our country is a good thing .... for you and all the other folks here .... because it could get crowded fast and our infrastructure overloaded ... besides when they cooked you in the cage it would really make a big mess! Then someone would have to mob up the grease! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Can you post a link of a terrorist attack in the United States linked to a refugee or an immigrant? Are you saying there's no terrorist from Saudi Arabia a country not on the banned list or did all the terrorist from Saudi Arabia die in the 9-11 attack?
Do you know where ISIS and the Taliban get their strict islamic doctrine from? You guessed it- Saudi Arabia- they have by far the strictest and most radical form of Islam on earth. The ban is extremely unpopular both in the United States and worldwide. Why don't you and your cocksucking friends hold a rally supporting the ban.
A ban on immigrants from muslim nations is as idiotic as banning all mexicans from entering the United States because they could be working for one of the cartels. Every illegal substance(forbidden topic) that is consumed in the United States is easily linked to the Cartels- so let's ban Mexicans because we don't know if they are working for Cartels and some of those cartels are just as notorious as ISIS- cartels were known to for beheadings before ISIS started that act.
LexusLover's Avatar
Can you post a link of a terrorist attack in the United States linked to a refugee or an immigrant? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Why? That's not relevant, now is it?

I thought you were in the military?

You were probably one of those "know-it-alls" who whined because Bush didn't "connect the dots" in the months before the 911 attack, right? Or did they "train" you to "respond" after you've had the shit kicked out of you?

Actually, you're rather simple minded aren't? I'll just chalk that up to your brain injury, even though it wasn't caused by any shrapnel strike "near your brain" ... as you have related. My guess it was too tight a squeeze when they extracted you from your mother's oversized pussy. You were too fat then, too.

Oh, your question:

See the "nice lady" in the forefront of the above photo:

She helped that guy just behind kill a bunch of people in San Bernardino, fled from police, and then was in a shootout with them .... she "IMMIGRATED" here on a "fiancee's visa" to see her U.S. citizen boyfriend to marry him in their ARRANGED WEDDING .. Remember?

This is a perfect example of the failed vetting of your President Obaminable! Lots of people killed because of it! Us conservatives don't want it any more.

Now! You and Munchie need to hold each others' hands, go to the porch, and remain there until given permission to step off the porch ... and let us adults take care of the security of this country! Your blubber is not needed.
Why? That's not relevant, now is it?

I thought you were in the military? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It's relevant if Trump's ban was to "make America safe" back it up with evidence that immigrants or refugees are planning attacks on American soil- if that were the case perhaps we should have never let the Japanese, Vietnamese, or Germans migrate to our country since they all could have been "spies" or "plants" seeking to harm us.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-05-2017, 03:00 PM
One would think that Vets and Homeless would come first over Muslims. But what do I know.
One would think that Vets and Homeless would come first over Muslims. But what do I know. Originally Posted by R.M.
You don't know shit- but to answer your question there are a lot of homeless people who are homeless because they choose to be- what's the solution by each one a home? Keep in mind some of your ancestors might have been immigrants and the people who were already in the United States probably didn't want your ancestors here- funny how you didn't mention native americans who are the only people who should rightfully be complaining about immigrants.
You speak of veterans, did you know the CEO of Linkedin vowed to donate 5 million dollars to Veterans if Trump simply released his taxes. Why didn't Trump jump at the offer?
In terms of the bigger picture are you saying the GOP cares more about homeless people and Veterans than the other because they both been around no matter who was in office.
How about you get off your ass - close your legs and become a productive tax paying citizen of this country instead of doing "illegal" work. I really don't see how people on welfare or prostitutes like yourself can even talk about politics.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's relevant if Trump's ban was to "make America safe" ..... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
First, dumbshit, did you read the OE?
LexusLover's Avatar
You don't know shit- .... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I'll take her word for it ...

... you are correct, she doesn't know you!
LexusLover's Avatar
But what do I know. Originally Posted by R.M.
A hell of a lot more than that duffus does!

If I thought he really had a war wound of the brain, I would feel sorry for him. But he's just a fat assed lazy POS who can't read and relies on CNN to tell him when to wipe his greasy, stinky butt!
LexusLover's Avatar
A ban on immigrants from muslim nations ..... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Who did that?
I love it- Trump is a facist POS: Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Hey Tub_Lard, just wait a couple of days... Trumps going to win this battle, BIGLY...

I swear this guy is my brother from another mother!