How 'bout those Spurs

Have had the opportunity to watch last two games in person. Wow! Almost, I said almost, as good as an hour with my ATF. Go Spurs go!
Dr Grey's Avatar
They are playing really good ball lately. I see Pop is mostly playing playoff rotation type lineups. Let's hope they can pull off close games in the post season.
21spurs's Avatar
LEONARD IS THE MVP!!!! Go Spurs go!!!
SpursFan's Avatar
LEONARD IS THE MVP!!!! Go Spurs go!!! Originally Posted by 21spurs
These close games are killing me!

LEONARD IS THE MVP!!!! Go Spurs go!!! Originally Posted by 21spurs
What he said!
The last three games have been amazing, two overtime wins and a great come from behind win against a tough Rockets team ..... it's amazing we won any of them with the matador defense we play ..... giving up wide open 3 pointers and a couple of dozen uncontested layups, and we sure could use a monster rebounder ..... now don't get me wrong I love my Spurs and root for them to win every night, but man ..... I fear that if we meet the Rockets in the first round of the playoffs and they give us more games like the one last night, we will be out in the first round ..... I hope Pop can make some defensive adjustments or we're going to get killed in the playoffs .....
We can hope ! I sure hope so, considering how hard Leonard works on both ends of the floor. But the friggen media is "sold " on Lebron, Steph Curry or Kevin Durant ( not so much now with him being out do to injury. And the league will probably push those choices, since it's more good P.R. for them. If Lebron doesn't get it this year, wonder if he'll pout like he's done in the past ?
Yeah LeBron is the biggest spoiled brat/crybaby in the league ..... my guess is they'll give the MVP to Curry or maybe Westbrook ..... hopefully Leonard will have an MVP trophy or two before his career is over .....
Down 28 and they win by 10!!!! The boys are really entertaining, but I would really like to see an old fashioned again Golden State this Saturday. Go Spurs go!
Daracus's Avatar
I love my Spurs just like the next fan, but they will not go very far in the playoffs with their non defense. Pop need to make defense a top priority or we will be sad by playoff time!:sh akehead:
WOW the Spurs killed LeBron and the Cavs last night 103-74 ..... next up a tough game with Golden State ..... if we can beat them this race for the number 1 seed could get really interesting .....
tim_29m's Avatar
Tough week this week with Warriors then Thunder. Just glad we don't have back to backs this week.

Warriors play Houston tonight...hope they get worn out! Funny how James supposedly got hurt in the third quarter last night...probably had enough of Kawhi whooping his ass!!
Dr Grey's Avatar
Leflop James never ceases to amaze me.

Number 9 look familiar? David Lee would know.

Looks like the taste of defeat if you ask me. Hope we play them in the Finals if we make it past Houston and GS.

On the MVP note, Kawhi would get my vote. Top defensive player, averaging over 20 points, and onto a 60 win season. He should get MVP, Most Improved Player, and Defensive player of the year awards.

I'd say Pop for coach, if not for Boston. Would get my vote there, along with GM. Remarkable they stood pat with their team and made a solid draft pick who may get Rookie of the Year in Brown. If you haven't seen many Celtics games, fun group. Isiah Thomas would be my second pick for MVP if they finish first in the East.

Westbrook will likely get it if he finishes with a triple double average for the season. His team would likely miss the playoffs without him while their record when he gets a triple double is insane also. Amazing historical season he is having and one of the most fun players to watch right now.
I'm sure pop will fuck it up someway/somehow
After tonight's disaster against GS the only question is can we get into the western conference finals. When Durant returns it is a foregone conclusion who is the best team in the NBA. Still, hope, and only hope, springs eternal among Spur's fans...not optimism, though.