What did you do on your ECCIE spring vacation?

tpepsi's Avatar
With the sudden shutdown of Eccie we were launched into a vacation. Ourhome was not that active, so I mostly took a break.

With the money I didn't spend on escorts, decided to buy a new motorcycle and spent my time riding!

stanggt's Avatar
I tried getting my password reset for ourhome2.... still couldn’t get anything going! I just gave up. I’m glad ECCIE is back up cause it’s my bday this week and I’m looking for something!
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I saw the strangest things. Sunshine, Blue Skies, Clouds, Trees, grass, Colors of all the spectrums. Who would've known there were other light spectrums than flourescant, LED, hotel room lighting, and the glow of a laptop, desktop, and tablet screen.

I saw my wallet and bank account grow like a proud papa watching his offspring growing like a weed.

I travelled, ate out at restaurants, went to the movies and had money for gas as prices have risen.

When I looked at guys and gals in public places I didn't wonder what their handles might be and what they might want for an hour of time.

I lived
Exithere's Avatar
Got a lot done out the ranch. New deer blinds built and set up.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Y’all sound so happy and positive. Good for you!

Heck, I went through severe Eccie withdrawals. Sense of dread. World imploding.

The whole SESTA thing has been hell on many of the sex workers and from what I gather, with my somewhat limited knowledge on the subject, that I was more fortunate than most.

But it’s been a struggle, in many ways, beyond Eccie being down for a few months.

Glad Eccie has been resurrected. New learning curve, too.

Oh, otherwise ... having so much downtime allowed me to read (and finish) several books and have started practicing the piano again after several decades. Made a conscious effort to not be on the computer as much.

Was gifted a new sewing machine and have been learning my stitches. Also, been playing old LP’s on an equally old console stereo. Been uniquely fun.

So after the storm, came light.
Business as usual with a heavy emphasis on regulars and old friends.

Main thing I noticed was that when I had a cancellation I couldn’t post my availability and immediately book with someone else.

Glad to see some of ya’ll took a break. On the client side, this is supposed to be FUN and just a SUPPLEMENT to a happy life. I hope some of you guys took the distance to stop making the hobby your entire world. Stay safe and happy hobbying!
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
I was still seeing the ladies I love soooo much whether or not eccie was up or down. I just wrote a few reviews when the ladies asked me to on OH2. So I adapted and overcame. Just like when I retired from the Army. Just like the time I survived cancer while I was still in the Army. I did plenty of activities with my kids and worked and still got my fuck on!! San Antonio socials Rock!!! Hell yeah!
Crispy1969's Avatar
Madisonraine x3, Ada Cruz, Latina Milf, Angel Star, & Khandi is what I did during Shutdown
NaughtyAughty's Avatar
I saw the strangest things. Sunshine, Blue Skies, Clouds, Trees, grass, Colors of all the spectrums. Who would've known there were other light spectrums than flourescant, LED, hotel room lighting, and the glow of a laptop, desktop, and tablet screen.

I saw my wallet and bank account grow like a proud papa watching his offspring growing like a weed.

I travelled, ate out at restaurants, went to the movies and had money for gas as prices have risen.

When I looked at guys and gals in public places I didn't wonder what their handles might be and what they might want for an hour of time.

I lived Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle

Haaaaa well played sir...WELL PLAYED!!! I just spit my coffee all over my screen...awesome
ski-hog's Avatar
Tripled my time spent on Twitter, and joined some sugar daddy site but thats just like civilian dating!! Glad eccie is back!
NaughtyAughty's Avatar
And as far as the break...I found it quite refreshing to know that I had done something good along the way as far as building bridges and making connections with the proper peeps...On top of moving and getting settled into the new place, I've added some interesting tools in the play area such as the Fuck swing and light show. Plenty to get into or out of! lol
And took the time to do some traveling...made my way out to the east coast for a Jersey and DC adventure and just got back from Vegas excursion. Life is good in the Cougar world
I really enjoyed seeing my regular, and meeting lovely Evelyn, life was good

I did learn that some regulars are awful for references
Randyredhead's Avatar
ECCIE went dark arpund the time I had ankle surgery and was on hiatus anyway. I spent time on ourhome2 with much success, spent time with regulars, and read countless books and watched a million documentaries. Oh, and applied for and got into college for another degree.

I'm glad to see ECCIE return but I'll still continue to use ourhome2 as well.

Welcome back ECCIE!!
soitgoes455's Avatar
Developed hairy palms and bad eyesight ������


I am thankful to say, i have stayed busy amd productive during the entire eccie-vacay...

THANK YOU TO ALL THE REGULARS, and all of the new clients ive seen recently! From Erotic Monkey, Ourhome, Twitter, Switter, Escort Directory, P411 and whatever other means brought you to me!

I like the ad forum/layout on OH2, so ill def be posting there! Also, gents, please note that my most up to date info can always be found on my TWITTER! @skyeberries