Providers - Does it matter to you how a hobbyist is dressed?

I don't get to see a lot of ladies, especially since I've been unemployed, but there's one thing that I've wondered about for some time, and never asked.

Ladies, do you care one way or the other how a guy is dressed when he knocks on your door? Can that affect your session in one way or the other?

I understand that you like a gentleman to be clean, and well groomed when he comes to you, but what is acceptable attire? I've heard recommendations that he wear business attire, maybe even casual business attire, at the very least, but how important is that to you, and does it have any effect on the session to come?

I guess the main reason I ask is that I typically don't show up in business attire. I'm a guy that wears a lot of shorts (not cut-offs) almost year-round since we are where we are and rarely have anything that approaches winter weather. Sometimes I'm wearing a t-shirt, and other times a knit shirt/polo shirt. My clothes are always clean and never disheveled and I never go to see a lady unless I've showered, shaved and brushed - usually immediately before heading out the door. If the weather is a little cooler, I'm likely to be wearing jeans.

The main reason I do this, especially lately, is because that's how I'm most comfortable, and if I leave the house dressed otherwise, questions will most certainly be raised. Besides that, since I've been unemployed for quite some time, it's not likely that I would show up in slacks and a sport shirt, or coat and tie, as if I was coming from work.

In all honesty, I'm not sure I'd change my ways, but I really would like to know what you're thinking when someone dressed as I do shows up.

Ladies, do you care one way or the other how a guy is dressed when he knocks on your door? Can that affect your session in one way or the other?
Originally Posted by notsomuch
No. He's not in his clothes long enough to matter You could wear scuba gear and it wouldn't change a thing. Then again, I'm a little different from most of the other ladies here.

Edit: No clown suits. Clowns freak me out.
LMAO, Dharma, "no clown suits!" I second that!!!

I don't mind what a guy shows up wearing, as long as it is not something that is going to freak the neighbors out and alert them to the fact that this is an incall (no leather chaps and ball-gags, lol).

I have even had some really sweet constructions workers and landscapers that come straight from work and are asking to use the shower before I even get the door shut behind them. I DON'T MIND. Your clothes look better on my floor anyway
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Edit: No clown suits. Clowns freak me out. Originally Posted by Dharma

Edit: No clown suits. Clowns freak me out. Originally Posted by Dharma

So much for coming straight from work...
Now that I got the tea cleaned off of my monitor...
am woody's Avatar
I guess I'll put my clown suit in storage.
Any bear suits? I'm O.K. with bear suits and I have had a couple of guys show up in kilts recently. Yummy.
I don't care what you are wearing. Just start peeling off layers of clothing when you hit the door.

I don't mind the clown suit thing. A badge and uniform, different story.....
Let's see, Red Wig and Big no at Dharma's ...yes at Dannie's.. so the investment isn't a total loss. For the life of me I can't find a Bear Suit will a Gorilla Suit do? Dannie the uni and badge were for you..don't you remember OFFICER DANNIE?
geezerdude2's Avatar

Dharma, I guess you'd better not answer the phone then! Dammit, I was looking forward to seeing you again!
Numbersboy's Avatar
That's good for those of us with a little more body hair ....

Any bear suits? I'm O.K. with bear suits and I have had a couple of guys show up in kilts recently. Yummy. Originally Posted by Dharma
Pennywise? Geeze-o-petes, geezer! Did you have to whip out the big guns all at once? Friggin' clown.

So, Steven King's movie "IT" had just come out on video and my husband and I were watching it. I hate clowns and the movie was super scary and I only agreed because he was there and we agreed on two potty breaks (long flick) so I figured it wouldn't be too bad. I call the first break almost two hours into the movie and we each run to a bathroom, I'm in the bedroom and he hits the hallway bath. So there I am, going pee and I hear this noise. it was like a gurgling and a chuckle and I can't tell where it's coming from. I'm already super sensitive because of the movie and I hear it again. Well, I finish my business and as I'm standing next to the sink I hear it for a third time and jebus, it's coming from the drain. My heart was pounding, I kinda leaned over the sink to look and then out of the drain comes "Come on, we all FLOAT down here!"

I hear a very girlie scream (I have no idea who it was..) and can't get out of the bathroom fast enough. I kinda run to the livingroom and bump into my spouse who's doubled over, laughing. Bastard was talking down the hallway bathroom drain.
I don't care what you are wearing. Just start peeling off layers of clothing when you hit the door.

I don't mind the clown suit thing. A badge and uniform, different story..... Originally Posted by Dannie

It doesn't matter to me what you wear. But i will say some nice wranglers and a cowboy hot.... Yikes watch out guys.