what would you do?

Ladies, here is an interesting scenario. Have any of you been with a client when he had a medical emergency? Heart attack etc...if so let's hear about it. If not what would you do in that situation? Just curious, thought this would be an interesting coed topic.
JohnMacnab's Avatar
There is only answer to this senario. Call 911 for an ambulance, and then start appropriate first aid. No EMT is going to care what circumstances brought the patient and his "friend" together at that location.
blowpop's Avatar
One of my all-time ATFs (now retired) went the extra mile and bought a small defibrillator and had the training to use it. Having experienced her sessions, I applaud her preparedness.
Back in the early days of B & B, we had a client that wanted to see a new girl every week. He was old, crinkly, and nasty. We had to hire a new girl to see him every Friday, because 1. he wanted a new girl, and 2. he was so nasty and crude the old girls wouldn't see him. I'd have conversation after conversation with him on how to treat the ladies. Away from the ladies, he was the nicest guy in the world. He had 3 by pass operations among other infermities. He was a heavy smoker. It looked like he was going to die as he walked up the stairs. We got to know him personally. We were so close that he gave us specific instructions on what to do if he died in the saddle. Who to call, what to do, what to say. Girls would say he'd weeez, cough, close his eyes, and scare the be-jesus out of them. Then he'd perk up and all would be fine. Moral of the story, if some of you guys have an ATF, confide in them what to do if something happens. If you really care for your provider, you'll be doing her a huge favor. And, if nothing ever happens, you'll still be glad you took that pressure off the 2 of you. Again, this is for ATF's only. Don't be the crazy guy that gets hot in love with your BP girl.
The Wildflower Group
"Come on, come on, give me a little piece of your heart" Janis Joplen to Michael DeBakey
DallasRain's Avatar
I had a client who said after he saw me he had to go to er...he had a small heart attack! but he was a bigger fella with repitory problems,so it was not all my fault!
DarthMaul's Avatar
I had a client who said after he saw me he had to go to er...he had a small heart attack! but he was a bigger fella with repitory problems,so it was not all my fault! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Looking at that rear-end Dallas, it was mostly your fault....not that it's a bad thing.