WhatThe Heck Was Woopie Goldberg Thinking

Saying that the Holocaust was not about “race” is akin to saying that the Sun does not rise in the East.

Is she simply ignorant, stupid, blind to history, or so caught up in the victimization culture that she feels compelled to say asinine crap to placate the mob.


It was 100% about race. Or, to be exact, the NAZI’s demented definition of “race”.

Do you think in her zest to make everything about “race”, she l put her mouth in motion before putting her brain in gear?
pittlicker's Avatar
Her brain, as her face, leaves a lot to be desired!
Saying that the Holocaust was not about “race” is akin to saying that the Sun does not rise in the East.

Is she simply ignorant, stupid, blind to history, or so caught up in the victimization culture that she feels compelled to say asinine crap to placate the mob.


It was 100% about race. Or, to be exact, the NAZI’s demented definition of “race”.

Do you think in her zest to make everything about “race”, she l put her mouth in motion before putting her brain in gear? Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's kind of Ironic Whoopie is Black and her last name is commonly Jewish. I am sure that's her stage name, but still.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Her real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson.

Her statements were incorrect and she admitted them to be so.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's kind of Ironic Whoopie is Black and her last name is commonly Jewish. I am sure that's her stage name, but still. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Can’t tell the difference, can you?

Watch out for those Whoopi space lasers! A lot of people are saying they’re aimed at PGH

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
She is also a college graduate and went to college while collecting public assistance. Yes, she is a Karen however she spells it. She is a liberal and really knows very little about racism except for the political advantage she can use it for. She is ignorant and stupid. It's like when I was a kid back in grade school. I could start a conservation about people on welfare being poor examples of humanity. Some liberal adult (a teacher usually) would wade in about how can I say that about black people. I could, with a smile, ask why do you think that only black people are on welfare. Most people on welfare are white. The racism is in YOUR head and not in my words. Whoopie is the same, She doesn't know what racism really looks like and her college degree is worth very little.
Here is a little tidbit; Whoopie had a one woman show she named SPOOK SHOW. Now that sounds racist.
ICU 812's Avatar
Goldberg, like Aleec Baldwin, is a very talented and creative performer. That doesn't mean that they have a talent for critical thinking or any real knowledge of history recent or ancient.
Her real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson.

Her statements were incorrect and she admitted them to be so. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah after it was brought to her attention and she was called out for it. If she was the true Social Justice Warrior she so adamantly tries to display she would have known better from the start.
The holocaust was all about race.

Slavery, not so much.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, the history of slavery was that it was a universal part of mankind. At some time almost all cultures had slavery of some sort and it wasn't based on race. The American Indian enslaved defeated or captured foes. The Asian culture could enslave a person, or their family, based on obligation. The Europeans in Europe could enslave someone over fiscal issues. The Europeans had something new in Africa and the new world, slavery based on both race and subjugation. In Australia they just tried to kill off the local inhabitants. The Americans did not invent slavery, unlike what Caryn thinks, but it was inherited from the Europeans like England, Spain, Portugal, the French, and even the Dutch.

The Holocaust was not universal. True, they had oppressed the Jewish people for centuries before Hitler came along. Europe was full of anti-semitism but no one had tried to exterminate the Jews. The Catholic church had the Inquisition, the Russians had the pogroms, the English banned Jews from settling in England, and in France, Poland, and Italy they were second class citizens.
Interesting that most of the great comics of the 20th century were Jewish.
That leaves out Ms. Johnson.
VitaMan's Avatar
Whoopie is not important
HedonistForever's Avatar
She clumsily admitted that since she is Black, her thoughts came from a Black perspective making another mistake thinking there is only one Black perspective. In her mind, since Jews were White ( generally ) it couldn't be a race thing since the oppressor and oppressed were both White.

Why she felt a need to make this distinction and open up this can of worms can only be answered by her.

Funny thing is, all the other women on the panel were trying to talk her out of what she was saying but she wouldn't hear it. She must have repeated the line a half dozen times when they tried to correct her.

She has been suspended for 2 weeks but will return and without a doubt, will say something ignorant again. Hell, it's the main theme of the show from what I can tell. It should be called "The Ignorant View".
winn dixie's Avatar
Her real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson.

Her statements were incorrect and she admitted them to be so. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do you fucking think if a white person said that it should be dismissed as easily as your cavalier attitude? hoppie is only regretful she was caught! She is a disgusting person.
And literally has many reports on her hygiene! BUT ITS OK IF A LIB SAYS THOSE THINGS EH'?

Fuck that cunt and her anti semetic view!
The holocaust was all about race.

Slavery, not so much. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
So I guess that all of the “undesirables” that the NAZI’s used in forced labor camps didn’t count.?

Labor is real cheap when you don’t have to pay them.

This included not only Jews but any ethnic group that did not meet the SS’s standard for pure Germanic heritage.