Lovely Angel

I filled out the requested info on the site and received an email for additional info.

So, I’m assuming everyone else gave up that info? Not to sound worried but for those who have that info, how worried are you the info can shared?

Also, if someone is kind enough, could you PM me their menu rates? Just trying to gauge if the effort is worth it.
I gave up the info. Not terribly worried about it.

If you feel uncomfortable then stop. They do say they destroy all information after.
HenrySwanson's Avatar
Gotta risk it for the biscuit...however the seem to be the ONLY studio not accepting referrals from other fuck off.
I have up the info a couple of years ago, tho it wasnt my real ID. A little photoshop magic to change some of the info. Two can play that game
They wanted too much personal information from my point of view. They say deleted upon verification. BUT that information still resides in the hard drive and can be accessed by anyone that is tech savy.
the ease has already been told. just see if you can find an ID and use that information. Or since anyone can attain your DMV history with a fee it could be logical that you could use that in a defense but there are ways around it and TBH, LA and GL are pretty similar for talent and activities. IF you are approved at GL i wouldn't worry about LA, a new booker is likely to take over at some point and you can circumvent then.
Does Lovely Angels have a "Kakao talk?"
Doe anyone know the Kakao Talk ID for Lovely Angels?
they do not have a Kakao Talk. I've asked. I think their booker is fairly new to her job, the booker of GL was the LA booker for a long time and this new LA booker has only been on the job for i think 6 months tops.