So I think I need a new keyboard

knotty man's Avatar
Seems my keys are worn out and sticking. Not too bad yet. Seems to be only the B,L,W,O,J,and S.
Hmmm. Go figure
I have noticed the N,Q are also starting to act funny.
Any way to fix that?
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Give THOSE letters a rest and use C,I,M, instead.
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 01-15-2018, 08:43 AM
You 2 crack me up !!
I miss you both !!!
Coach says . . .

Knotty, I think that there is a Farmers Almanac Home Remedy Quick fix. Try sticking your T.U.I.A. (It's) and do a S.S. while giving the keyboard a well lubed H.J. I know that if you do have issues with the N.Q. you should N.S. Your keyboard will be rewarded well. Oh, by the way, don't wear gloves, doesn't respond well to covered jobs being performed.
Good luck my friend.

Coach Paul
knotty man's Avatar
Condoms are for pussies
Only a dick wears a condom
knotty you still have your
X-mas gift I gave you.
There is no experation date.