Before I travelled the country for work, I had no idea Dallas was the best place for a man who loves sex to go. You never hear anything about Dallas other than the Cowboys and that Texas is a big red state. Is there a reason why Dallas seems to have more hotties than any other city? Especially why Dallas is so lax in allowing fun? My city of Nashville used to have a ton of fun and they shut it down 100%. They shut down all the spas and strip clubs that had extras. My life is so strange, all of this existed when I was a broke 21 year old. Once I made money to enjoy life, it was all taken away. I'm afraid if I move to Dallas the same thing will happen.
Nashville is a big outdoor church now that raises money from tourism. Im surprised the evangelicals that only have sex to procreate haven't shut down Dallas too. If I had to speculate regarding Dallas action scene, I would assume the oil back in the 1800s brought a lot of money to town which attracted women and it just grew from there. Or maybe because Dallas is so hot during the daytime in the summer, many night scenes opened up since that is when most people go out.