Job report August: ZERO JOBS created

waverunner234's Avatar
Great, zero jobs created for August, July and June downwards revised.
Hmm, I would say not a new recession, the old one hasn't ended yet!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's a nice round figure.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-02-2011, 08:09 AM
Private sector jobs are growing and government sector jobs are shrinking.

That is wtf happens when you cut government spending.

States are cutting government jobs.

I am suprised anyone would be suprised.
waverunner234's Avatar
I am suprised anyone would be suprised. Originally Posted by WTF
I was surprised because it's the first time I've ever seen zero, lol and that's for a country with over 3 mil people, where 200K jobs are needed just to keep up with population growth
CPT Savajo's Avatar
I read the report and I'm not surprised. If you really want to see something jaw dropping check this out!

What is this country coming to?
Private sector jobs are growing and government sector jobs are shrinking.

That is wtf happens when you cut government spending.

States are cutting government jobs.

I am suprised anyone would be suprised. Originally Posted by WTF

It doesn’t matter. The sum is what counts. There is no job growth. Agreed, I don’t know why anyone is surprised. Just because the talking heads tell you the recession is over doesn’t mean it is. It’s the economy stupid; it’s the economy – that’s what’s important to me not whether Obama or any politician gets reelected.
Re-elect the Socialist and the economy will continue in a job-less recession....elect a true Conservative and the economy (and private sector jobs) will re-emerge as strong as before.
waverunner234's Avatar
Re-elect the Socialist and the economy will continue in a job-less recession....elect a true Conservative and the economy (and private sector jobs) will re-emerge as strong as before. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Really? Or maybe wishful thinking? (what about all those "bush jobs")
  • Laz
  • 09-02-2011, 01:35 PM
I would not call Bush a true conservative on the economy. A true conservative would have controlled spending.

I would not call Bush a true conservative on the economy. A true conservative would have controlled spending. Originally Posted by Laz
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Where is the data stating that government jobs are decreasing while private sector jobs are increasing? That would be a terrific trend if it were true, but I don't think it is.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Another viewpoint on the unemployment number in America.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Excuse me, of course I meant, "Where ARE the data?" I mixed my tenses. I apologize for any confusion this might have caused.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Re-elect the Socialist and the economy will continue in a job-less recession....elect a true Conservative and the economy (and private sector jobs) will re-emerge as strong as before. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So what is just a miracle when Job growth grew during the Clinton years????
txswing99's Avatar
Ah, the folly of the conservative economic thinking...or lack thereof.

History shows us that government spending has been the only effective way to get out any recession...and at lest one rather big depression. Japan attempted to recover from a huge recession in the 90's using tax and spending cuts and they managed only to gain what economist's called, "A Lost Decade", or 2% or less yearly growth; that is why in the 80's everyone thought Japan would own America and today no one does. In the last 100 years, we see any country that follows the Conservative "recipe book" for fixing economy comes out of the other end weaker than ever.

Following the Conservative "recipe book" for fixing the economy ensures the same for the U.S., but more likely something worse....given that all that deficit spending in the last 10 years financed a set of wars that are guaranteed to blow back on us...with more enemies than friends out there.

For the last 10 years, we've had plenty of tax cuts and more...and we still barreled right into a recession. We will never be able to "slow" grow ourselves out of this recession...which is the only result of using the Conservative "recipe book"...and which only serves to protect existing investors and companies while ensuring that many jobs continue to be lost. "Fast" and "strong" growth strategies...those involving government spending and investments in new new investors and competitive companies, as well as, the folks that need salaries, jobs, and services.

Fixing this economy is actually rather simple, at least in concept:
1. Have all banks split their bank operations from their finance operations...banks loan money and finance departments use money to bet on "things"'s too easy to see why that is a problem. This is not socialist...its just how banks have always operated until 2001....when they took less than 10 yrs to tank the whole economy.

2. Reduce healthcare cost...its the reason why spending has increased in all sectors, public and private...and not we are not getting more value for the dollars pay wether you are sick or healthy during the year, and the cost still goes up the next year. By all accounts, healthcare is not ruled by the rules of a free the middle of this recession...every hospital and insurance company has only had to count the number of large cranes lining the Houston skyline.

3. Spend, baby, government spend...preferably on those things areas that ensure a strong economic future for the U.S...and ensures a better position for our economy...yes, that is infrastructure, education, and others. We definitely need to be careful that we spend properly, but spend we should.

4. Refinance all mortgages...all the junk assets in every company around the world would have have AAA rating. In short, everyone's balance sheets -- personal, corporate, or governmental -- would instantly balance out properly. The loss would be like a quick bandaid being ripped off...everyone takes a loss, no one gains, so no one losses.

5. Stop the free tax ride...close the crazy loopholes for certain companies and sectors, as well as, rich folks that have been getting a free ride. Economy will not just means that they'll have to compete fairly in a "real" economy....where they have no competitive edge over others. make scare them, but it does work to our benefit in the end.

6. Reduce least were possible. Hmm, defense.

So vote the guys that are brave enough to talk about these approaches. Everyone else is either lying to you or simply don't have the necessary "cojones" to lead in times of trouble. Or, worse, they simply don't get.

At this point, watching this debate unfold is like having a baby playing with a loaded gun, and having watched it already shoot three or four times. Handing any more "government jobs" to the Tea Party folks guarantees that she'll shoot you and herself...probably at the same time.

'nuff said?
