Ben Carson: "No war on women, maybe a war on whats inside women"

southtown4488's Avatar
What a quack, he thinks a war on whats inside of women is any different than a war on women. If you let these chauvinist republicans talk enough they will eventually say what theyre really thinking.
What a quack, he thinks a war on whats inside of women is any different than a war on women. If you let these chauvinist republicans talk enough they will eventually say what theyre really thinking. Originally Posted by southtown4488
How is what's inside possible without the outside part. Always something pesky getting in the way of these turds. If only these stupid women would just let the conservatives choose for them, because they know best what to do with women's bodies. Wait, isn't that one of the conservative knock on liberals? Always wanting to decide for you? Hmmmm
The quacks are the people who think there is a "War on Women." There is a disagreement about abortion. This isn't a "war" or a "women's health issue" it is about "abortion on demand."

The faster the Republicans frame it as such and basically leave the issue alone the faster they'll be in the White House.
How is what's inside possible without the outside part. Always something pesky getting in the way of these turds. If only these stupid women would just let the conservatives choose for them, because they know best what to do with women's bodies. Wait, isn't that one of the conservative knock on liberals? Always wanting to decide for you? Hmmmm Originally Posted by WombRaider
The vast majority of young women have no clue what is inside them. This ignorance has been fed to them by our government and the Abortion Industry.

This is one reason that the Abortion Industry fights tooth and nail against any requirements that an abortionist show any pictures or depictions of what is actually going inside the womb.

Those most feared words to the abortionist would be, "that sure looks like a tiny baby".
gfejunkie's Avatar
The OP is an illiterate idiot. Can't even read plain english. (No wonder he doesn't know what an apostrophe is.)
Do yourself a favor and stay off Breitbart. It's way beyond your comprehension level.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Breitbart is rock bottom comprehension level. Otherwise scholars like you wouldn't be able to read it whilst hanging your sheets out to dry...
gfejunkie's Avatar

Breitbart is rock bottom comprehension level. Otherwise scholars like you wouldn't be able to read it whilst hanging your sheets out to dry... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

This from someone who still thinks Wendy Davis is Governor of Texas.
pyramider's Avatar
The vast majority of young women have no clue what is inside them. This ignorance has been fed to them by our government and the education Industry.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
Fixed it. If the kiddies got a decent education and learned basic biology, and tebow forbid sex education all of this would be a moot point. Planned Parenthood spends 97% of its resources on women's services. That means 97% of resources go to wellness programs, counseling, etc.

IF the conservatives, ie moral majority, really cared about the fetuses then they should be backing sex education, CHIPs, WIC, etc ... As it stands right now there are zealots wanting to protect the unborn but once they are born they are fucked.

As I have said before, how would any of you fucktards feel if the government was telling you what you could and could not do with your body? I would guess not very well.
Planned Parenthood spends 97% of its resources on women's services. That means 97% of resources go to wellness programs, counseling, etc. Originally Posted by pyramider
I thought people stopped perpetuating that fact that is really a lie.

From Slate of all places: "it’s been so long since I’ve seen a reference to the claim that abortions make up only 3 percent of the services that Planned Parenthood provides that I thought maybe they’d stopped trying. It might not be a technically incorrect number, but it is meaningless—to the point of being downright silly— for several reasons. Not the least of which being that Planned Parenthood “unbundles” all of its services so that a pack of pills, an STD test and an exam are three separate services."

"So if a woman presents herself at a Planned Parenthood clinic for the purposes of having an abortion and she gets tested for STDs beforehand and is given a bottle of aspirin afterwards this comprises three services."

"Such cracked reasoning could be used to obscure the purpose of any organization. The sponsors of the New York City Marathon could count each small cup of water they hand out (some 2 million cups, compared with 45,000 runners) and say they are mainly in the hydration business. Or Major League Baseball teams could say that they sell about 20 million hot dogs and play 2,430 games in a season, so baseball is only .012 percent of what they do."
The vast majority of young women have no clue what is inside them. This ignorance has been fed to them by our government and the Abortion Industry.

This is one reason that the Abortion Industry fights tooth and nail against any requirements that an abortionist show any pictures or depictions of what is actually going inside the womb.

Those most feared words to the abortionist would be, "that sure looks like a tiny baby". Originally Posted by Jackie S
This is not entirely true. Several states require viewing of an ultrasound before having the procedure. And in this study, the women who had made up their minds to have the procedure, had it anyway, regardless of the ultrasound viewing. It's simply not the case that it changes most women's minds.

Look at your first statement. The vast majority of young women have no idea. Do you question young men who decide to enlist and fight in the military? Do you question their ability to make that decision for themselves? No, you don't. You question this decision because the person is a female. I'm not saying that's conscious on your part, but it's influencing your thoughts on it. A woman is not inferior in intellect. They are able to make a decision on their own, without older white men being involved to make sure it's the right thing for them.
I thought people stopped perpetuating that fact that is really a lie.

From Slate of all places: "it’s been so long since I’ve seen a reference to the claim that abortions make up only 3 percent of the services that Planned Parenthood provides that I thought maybe they’d stopped trying. It might not be a technically incorrect number, but it is meaningless—to the point of being downright silly— for several reasons. Not the least of which being that Planned Parenthood “unbundles” all of its services so that a pack of pills, an STD test and an exam are three separate services."

"So if a woman presents herself at a Planned Parenthood clinic for the purposes of having an abortion and she gets tested for STDs beforehand and is given a bottle of aspirin afterwards this comprises three services."

"Such cracked reasoning could be used to obscure the purpose of any organization. The sponsors of the New York City Marathon could count each small cup of water they hand out (some 2 million cups, compared with 45,000 runners) and say they are mainly in the hydration business. Or Major League Baseball teams could say that they sell about 20 million hot dogs and play 2,430 games in a season, so baseball is only .012 percent of what they do." Originally Posted by filbone
this is the same sort thing that the left does in almost every area...develop false arguments based on specious information and lie
Fixed it. If the kiddies got a decent education and learned basic biology, and tebow forbid sex education all of this would be a moot point. Planned Parenthood spends 97% of its resources on women's services. That means 97% of resources go to wellness programs, counseling, etc.

IF the conservatives, ie moral majority, really cared about the fetuses then they should be backing sex education, CHIPs, WIC, etc ... As it stands right now there are zealots wanting to protect the unborn but once they are born they are fucked.

As I have said before, how would any of you fucktards feel if the government was telling you what you could and could not do with your body? I would guess not very well. Originally Posted by pyramider
Excellent point. The conservatives don't want sex education. They also don't want anyone having sex, so when the young people inevitably have sex, they do it unprotected. Brilliant strategy. It's due to our puritanical roots, unfortunately. These are people who thought abstinence was a real possibility as far as sex education. And who has the highest teen birth rates? I'll give you three guess, but you'll only need one.

And your last point is correct; no man would stand for being told how to conduct anything regarding his body, but women are to relent in this case.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fixed it. If the kiddies got a decent education and learned basic biology, and tebow forbid sex education all of this would be a moot point. Planned Parenthood spends 97% of its resources on women's services. That means 97% of resources go to wellness programs, counseling, etc.

IF the conservatives, ie moral majority, really cared about the fetuses then they should be backing sex education, CHIPs, WIC, etc ... As it stands right now there are zealots wanting to protect the unborn but once they are born they are fucked.

As I have said before, how would any of you fucktards feel if the government was telling you what you could and could not do with your body? I would guess not very well.
Originally Posted by pyramider
If it's their choice, then they should damn well not depend on the taxpayer to pay for it.

Planned Parenthood's 3% Abortion Myth

pyramider's Avatar
The Reagan Administration took abortion funding from Planned Parenthood years ago. Your tax dollars are not aborting, try again.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Reagan Administration took abortion funding from Planned Parenthood years ago. Your tax dollars are not aborting, try again. Originally Posted by pyramider
Piss into one corner of your bathtub, and then fill the whole tub with water. Sure, it's diluted to a degree that it has neither smell nor color, but you're a fool if you imagine that your piss stayed in that one corner of the tub and you're not bathing in your own piss when you step in. The same thing happens with tax dollars given to PPH: it mixes with the other cash flow, and it is spent on abortions.