Eccie Future

I hate to down eccie as it is and will always be my go to site. However lots of providers seem to have gotten away from it and OUr Home2 seems to be the go to. I hate to see this happen but do not see anything I can do to get it back to the original.
Our home2 seems to get the job done but to me just does not have the feel I have enjoyed on eccie of the years plus I do not have my friend muff over there to jump my ass when I screw up and fix my computer fuck ups when I make which is every time I get on the damn thing.
Hope to see some new people joining in here one day.
I look at ECCIE as a safe haven in being no goods are bought or sold. The probability of sites that promote illegal activities have a much higher chance to disappear. When and if that happens we still have a place to meet. Keep logging in so the ad revenue keeps it afloat.
Yes sir
So very right Headkeeper
As a provider I will chime in on this.
I tell new talent to sign up on both.
They will spend more time on the other site of course because they are aloud daily ads.
To not go on here and post in the welcome area and at least post in the co ed or sand box a couple times is not good marketing.
As Far as the future of this REVIEW BOARD? Depends on the men on here NOT the women.

If y'all post all your reviews on OURHOME2 and not here then that is when this site will disappear.
Do not want to do 2? The copy and Paste function is key in today's world.
Searching for reviews on our home 2 is a chore they have a whole thread explaining how to find reviews Fighting the Review Gremlin or something like that.
I just know as a marketing guru both boards are needed and used for now and we can keep it that way,