CND the GOP lost ground in 2004 even as Bush was re-elected, then got their asses handed to them in 2006 and again in 2008. This was largely because of their out of control spending. The GOP still hasn't quite gotten the message, but they've learned enough to hum along. Democrats on the other hand, in spite of getting their own asses handed to them in 2010 just don't get it.
We are tired of the spending. When was the last time you can remember any politician even promising to balance the budget. I think it was back when Clinton was in office. Now, all you hear are promises to reduce the deficit. Well, reducing the deficit isn't enough. We must balance our budget and pay down the mountain of debt we have accumulated.
To do that, we must slash spending. Not take a dainty little bite out of spending, we have to slash spending by 30% just to get reasonably close, sort of, in a roundabout kind of way to a balanced budget.
As soon as someone in Congress presents an honest to God balanced budget, I'll be more than happy to consider the possibility of raising taxes specifically for the purpose of paying down our debt. Yes, I know I'm living in fantasy, but its a fantasy shared by many in this country. This is what sparked the Tea Party movement.
The days of seeing one party in power for years or decades are over. Incumbent Congressmen and women will continue to be sent packing if they can't put the checkbook down, regardless of whether an R or D follows their name. We've been seeing that for the last 4 election cycles now. Its time for Congress to start getting the message.
Furthermore CND, please don't quote the Bible. I'm pretty sure you've never taken the time to read it.
The sum total of Jesus's advice on homosexuality is as follows: " ". He never said a word about it. Leviticus is part of the Old Testament, and also teaches us that slavery is okey dokey, a disobedient child should be taken to the city gates and stoned, and that anyone touching a pig's skin is unclean (sorry Chiefs, go take a shower).
Furthermore, the passage 'render unto Ceasar' refers to obeying the laws of the land, not taxes specifically. If you want to follow Christ's example of charitable works great. Donate your money to charity, volunteer at a homeless shelter, and most importantly whatever you do, do it quietly without making a big deal of it. Christ never said that the gov't should become the enforcer of Christian charity.
Lastly, I'm pretty sure "whateth" is not a real word