No 19 is not the number of John Galt incarnations.................. ....but it is the number of times the Republican Leadership voted to raise the debt ceiling under President Bush.

Word of advice.............your hand is not that good and I would make a deal or suffer the political consequences of your stubborn stupidity.

COG don't you dare
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If I understand CDN no one can stop the spending because their fellows have been responsible for additional spending in the past. With that philosophy we would never get out of Iraq because BOTH parties voted for it, ditto Afghanistan.
CDN has forgotten that many of the people who voted for those raises have been voted out of office and replaced by the only people who can vote against the debt ceiling, Tea Partiers. Welcome to the Tea Party CDN!
Tea Baggerz now that they have been exposed to the American Public on both a state wide and national basis will cause the fastest repudiation allowed under election law.

Disgusting neanderthal throwbacks.

Fiscal tea baggers had a point once before being hijacked by religious nut bagz and social wackos.

Will become a distant memory for overplaying a pair of deuces on an all in basis.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Catnip, don't I dare what? I already said in another post that the debt ceiling is irrelevant. They are using an arbitrary number to hopefully save them from past stupid decisions. I think they need to stand up and be counted. Are they going to make the hard decisions, or will we joyfully spend our way to disaster? Either way, don't hide behind a "debt ceiling".
skip your meds again COG!

You know you just start grab assing the aides and getting a woody and all.
why not just do away with the debt ceiling? i mean if we just keep raising it skrew it. there aint one spend all ya want.
Some say there is no constitutional debt limit. 14th Amendment gives the President the power to pay the country's bills without the consent of Congress.

Personally I would no longer negotiate with Republicans and I would charge them with Treason for harming the United States by creating undue fear, and undermining our security.
i think its obama and the dems doing the fear mongering.
Cantor and especially Mitch Mcconnell are creating the fear. If this were not true then why would the Chamber of Commerce be screaming at them to pass the increase. Last I checked this is hardly a Democratic supporting institution.

Also I don't recall many Democrats saying that it really doesn't matter and that it is just a matter of priorities if we default. DeMint, Bachmann, Paul and other Republicans are the one that believe this.

So far they have managed to scare 42% of the people (up 7%) from last week and climbing.

19 times and now it is a matter of principle?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I opposed it each and every one of those 19 times. Now I think it is irrelevant, and that Congress is trying to hide behind the debt ceiling to protect themselves from having to make some really tough decisions. So I don't oppose it this time. I figure if those clowns are bound and determined to destroy our financial system, get it over with, so we can begin rebuilding sooner.

And what's wrong with grabbing the aides and getting a woody?
I think that might be a good song title; "Grab your aides and get a woody"

I like it.

If my IRA takes another hit from this bullshit while the rich don't pay taxes in proportion then.......................... ...............

If I hear you can't tax the "creators" one more time I am going to vomit.


" Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and throw in some extra for the poor" you could look it up.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I never said don't tax the creators. And did Jesus say "And take thee of thy brother's money by force of taxation and grant hereunto the least of my children"? Or did he say reach into your own pocket and give.
What did Jesus Say........................

He said many things. 1. was to advise never to have anal sex. That is in Leviticus somewhere.

2. Was to suggest caring from the poor regardless of the source of the help. His teachings helped spawn the Robin Hood craze and the idea that everyone gets to wet your beak just don't be greedy. That part is in Ephesians 6

3. Avoid the elderly males among you that entreat and entice the young and virginal and pure of heart by offering gifts and pleasantries. All ye women if ye give it up to these men maketh them giveth most of whateth they have in earthly possessions and let them live in the warehouses of the poor and unclean in Wichita.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
CDN you've really went off a deep end here. Please go back to your table with your crayons and paper. There are your meds, take them!

You must have a lot of time on your hands today.
CND the GOP lost ground in 2004 even as Bush was re-elected, then got their asses handed to them in 2006 and again in 2008. This was largely because of their out of control spending. The GOP still hasn't quite gotten the message, but they've learned enough to hum along. Democrats on the other hand, in spite of getting their own asses handed to them in 2010 just don't get it.

We are tired of the spending. When was the last time you can remember any politician even promising to balance the budget. I think it was back when Clinton was in office. Now, all you hear are promises to reduce the deficit. Well, reducing the deficit isn't enough. We must balance our budget and pay down the mountain of debt we have accumulated.

To do that, we must slash spending. Not take a dainty little bite out of spending, we have to slash spending by 30% just to get reasonably close, sort of, in a roundabout kind of way to a balanced budget.

As soon as someone in Congress presents an honest to God balanced budget, I'll be more than happy to consider the possibility of raising taxes specifically for the purpose of paying down our debt. Yes, I know I'm living in fantasy, but its a fantasy shared by many in this country. This is what sparked the Tea Party movement.

The days of seeing one party in power for years or decades are over. Incumbent Congressmen and women will continue to be sent packing if they can't put the checkbook down, regardless of whether an R or D follows their name. We've been seeing that for the last 4 election cycles now. Its time for Congress to start getting the message.

Furthermore CND, please don't quote the Bible. I'm pretty sure you've never taken the time to read it.

The sum total of Jesus's advice on homosexuality is as follows: " ". He never said a word about it. Leviticus is part of the Old Testament, and also teaches us that slavery is okey dokey, a disobedient child should be taken to the city gates and stoned, and that anyone touching a pig's skin is unclean (sorry Chiefs, go take a shower).

Furthermore, the passage 'render unto Ceasar' refers to obeying the laws of the land, not taxes specifically. If you want to follow Christ's example of charitable works great. Donate your money to charity, volunteer at a homeless shelter, and most importantly whatever you do, do it quietly without making a big deal of it. Christ never said that the gov't should become the enforcer of Christian charity.

Lastly, I'm pretty sure "whateth" is not a real word