Seeking a Civil Attorney

KittyLamour's Avatar
I am in need of the advice of a lawyer. I am just sick over what just happened to me. I really feel it was illegal.
I bought a used car Monday at Addison Auto Group off NW Hwy and Jupiter. The down payment they asked for the car was $1500.00. I paid that and also paid for full coverage insurance and drove the car home.
Yesterday the car salesman and the guy who did my paperwork showed up where I lived. I went outside to talk to them, figuring there was paperwork I needed to complete or something, I had my keys in my hand. The salesman told me that they had calculated that I still owed $440.00 on the down payment. What??? The down payment was $1500.00. I paid all of it. Cash. He asked me if I had it. I said no, not right now. He reached over, snatched my keys out of my hand and they drove off with my car. I was totally shocked. I don't get it.
Since then I have been crying my eyes out because the $1500.00 was a hell of a lot of money that I had saved up and I just can't afford to lose it like that. I called the dealership. He said they would work with me but I had to come up with the $440.00 like immediately. I said I think I just want my $1500.00 back and he laughed and said "yeah, right."
What can I do??? Please call me if you have any advice or experience in dealing with an unscrupulous car dealership. I am so depressed I can hardly stand it. That was a very low blow and it has completely knocked the wind out of me.
KittyLamour's Avatar
All of my paperwork I had signed on the car was in the glovebox including my receipts ... I wasn't expecting this to happen to me and I had put the paperwork there because the car had dealer tags and I thought I should have it handy in case i got pulled over to show everything was legit. So, am I just totally screwed?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Damn! That is awful. After you get this issue resolved, I hope you flood the net with your reviews and your experience of what happened to you at their dealership.

Surely what they did to you must be againist the law?
KittyLamour's Avatar
I have good news. I did get advice and yes what they did was illegal. Either they return my money today, or get reported to OCCC. I have been assured they will be shut down if OCCC get's involved. I feel much better. Either way, if the threat of being exposed to OCCC doesn't work, I'm told it usually does, Or if an investigation is opened, I'm getting my money back was illegal on several grounds. They thought since I was an escort that I: 1. didn't know my rights, or 2. wouldn't pursue my rights. They thought wrong.

Yes, Brooke, I intend to use every means possible to make sure that this car lot is exposed for being the crooks they are.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 10-20-2012, 08:34 AM
Should not matter what your profession is, the dealer should not screw clients.
I would get your money back and go to s (hopefully) more trustworthy dealer.
Good luck, hope all gets better!
Maybe I'm missing something, but this sounds one hell of a lot like car theft.

I don't know who OCCC is.

I do think you should file a police report on the matter.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Please keep us updated ... I'd love to hear this end well for you
parisdivine's Avatar
Michael Sussman ... Civil rights. Also Gloria Allred . I would call Ms Allred FIRST.
uhaveme's Avatar
Mercianna, I hope everything works out in your favor. It was definitely illegal
Wtf?! I would have been whooping some ass had he snatched my keys!
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
My attorneys, Khavari and Moghadassi, are great because one is civil and one is criminal. They require a $3000 retainer to handle any small legal matter that might arise.
KittyLamour's Avatar
[QUOTE=EroticMorgan;1051777639]My attorneys, Khavari and Moghadassi, are great because one is civil and one is criminal. They require a $3000 retainer to handle any small legal matter that might arise.

Spending $3000 on an attorney to handle a case where I just paid $1500 down on the car would hurt me a lot more than helping me. Thanks for the info though...

Anyways, I called the dealer and told them I needed the car or my down payment or I would be contacting OCCC on Monday. They promptly returned my vehicle. Thank you every one that was concerned. I am glad that it was able to be resolved without me having to spend any more money. I was grateful to receive legal advice pro bono from a trusted friend.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Damn girl, i was just up in Richardson and would have made a "donation" to your car fund if I known about you. Hopefully next time! Keep a close eye on them. I wouldn't want to be making payments to crooks like that and sure wouldn't want them knowing your biz. It's none of theirs! For the crap they put you through I would make them lower the price or interest or something or get my money back and get a car from someone reputable. take care and be safe.
They thought since I was an escort Originally Posted by mercianna

How exactly did they know you were an escort????

If YOU told them, then THEY can bring that back on YOU if you try to report THEM.....