Hi there have 2 questions

1.Please explain to me about how you would post in five city forums and how to go about it.
2. Instead of making a new ad everytime how can i use the same ad and just repost
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Hi Queen:

You are allowed to post in five different forums, not necessarily in five cities. It's a bit confusing, so I hope I can make it a bit clearer. If you are in Texas, for example, you can post in up to five city forums - Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, etc - because they are independent forums. In Mississippi, though, there is only one forum for the entire state, so you can only post once in Mississippi. What you can do is post an ad that includes all of your travels. For example, you could post:

Jackson 5/10-12
Hattiesburg 5/14-16
Meridian 5/18-20
Starkville 5/22-24

All of that could be in one ad. Remember, though, that you can only post one ad every week (7 days) in the regular Provider Ad forum. Weekend ads can be posted from early Thursday to late Sunday - again, though, only one ad per week.

I hope that clarifies how ECCIE ads work. If not, lemme know, and I'll try to give a better explanation.