RIP Tony Bennett

TinMan's Avatar
I wasn’t a huge fan, but did own two of his albums: his 90s Christmas album that introduced him to the GenX crowd and sparked one of several comebacks; and “Cheek to Cheek”, his last comeback with Lady GaGa (who sounded magnificent in her own right). I was really touched by her affection for this 90 year old whenever they were on stage together.

Reading his obituary I’m struck by two things. This same man who has recently won Grammy awards helped liberate concentration camps during WWII. He was recording hits before Elvis.

What a life. Godspeed, Tony.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It's quite the juxtaposition when comparing ''artists'' of today, against those from a throwback era. Tony came from the so-called greatest generation, when people were confronted with real life choices that determined a great path forward, or backward, depending how they responded to the challenges.

Of course they didn't grasp the full importance of those actions then. We know looking back which of those stood up for righteousness, and put themselves out for the cause of justice. Tony could have flopped as a vocalist, could have sang ''I left my heart in San Diego'', sounding like Kermit the Frog... But he would still have a solid record promoting humanitarianism and justice.
CG2014's Avatar
He was in combat in Western Europe for 4 months, in the Battle of the Bulge and in the Assault on the Siegfried line.

That was enough horror for him.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
R.I.P Tony
I loved him with Lady GaGa