Ladies, Fun stuff, What Would You Do if your guy gets a cardiac arrest in your place?

waverunner234's Avatar
Ladies, what would you do if the guy is in your incall and gets a heart attack right when he is on top of you and dies on the spot, his dick still inside you?

(I think that's the ultimate way to go for the guy!)
London Rayne's Avatar
I would put floaties on his arms, and toss him in the lake. Don't freaking die on me! I am a hooker, not a damn nurse!
Unfortunately I've had 1 instance of a client having a heart attack (non fatal), I do believe all escorts should be trained in basic life saving skills and recognize medical emergencies and how to respond to them appropriately; CPR, carry aspirin, basic allergy medication, etc.. Odd things happen in this profession & chance favors the prepared.
I would put floaties on his arms, and toss him in the lake. Don't freaking die on me! I am a hooker, not a damn nurse! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Hahaahaa! WTF lol
London Rayne's Avatar
Just saying. Asking a hooker to be certified in CPR is retarded. Yes, MANY of us are, and have advanced degrees to boot, but um...I am not responsible for your are. Most women here have not even finished HS and can't even get turning tricks right, when it's the easiest damn job on the planet. You want that busting out a TENS unit and doing CPR on you? LOL..

If that person was on Cocaine and you call 911, guess who is getting arrested when that blood test comes back positive for illegal drugs? Fk that...I will do cpr, cal 911 from HIS phone, then bolt. Y'all are crazy to think I am pulling some Pulp Fiction. This is why I have a damn age/weight limit for who I see too.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This did happen with a woman that I admire in Dallas. I would hope that I would do exactly what she did.

Call the police. Wait for the paramedics. Get him dressed. And do what is necessary. She said that the police were understanding. Nothing happened to her.

Morally, I see no other option.
London Rayne's Avatar
Exactly! I'm not one for being politically correct, but I would never let another person die. Still, I won't be hanging around to find out what type of drugs he might be on. That's an arrest people...freakin duh! Even the damn cops tell you to drop off a person who has overdosed at the ER, and what...TAKE OFF!
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Most clients that would cardiac arrest would be due to age, heart condition, etc. If he was on drugs like cocaine I would know and therefore ask him to leave before the session even started. CPR, calling 911, putting on clothes would be my plan of action as well.
I would keep an eye on his blood pressure and breathing while I called 911. I'm CPR certified and I also have a defibrillator if I needed to use it.
Exactly! I'm not one for being politically correct, but I would never let another person die. Still, I won't be hanging around to find out what type of drugs he might be on. That's an arrest people...freakin duh! Even the damn cops tell you to drop off a person who has overdosed at the ER, and what...TAKE OFF! Originally Posted by London Rayne
<<Somewhere in a dark hotel room>>

Paramedic #1: "yea it looks like he suffered a heart attack and he has been down awhile"

Paramedic #2: " I agree, but I'm wondering, Why the HELL does he have on floaties?"


I was just messing with you London. Thanks for the laugh.
SlowHand50's Avatar
<<Somewhere in a dark hotel room>>

Paramedic #1: "yea it looks like he suffered a heart attack and he has been down awhile"

Paramedic #2: " I agree, but I'm wondering, Why the HELL does he have on floaties?" Originally Posted by beezdat

Paramedic #3: "And what's with that big silly grin on his face?"
Ms. Athena's Avatar
How can one flee the scene if its your INcall? I would diall 911 and perform any life saving measure I could. If able yes he would be dressed, as I would be and of course my toys put Two adults having sex is not a issue but not rendering first aid sure can be....and as a nurse there is no way I would walk away.
DallasRain's Avatar
I would freak out...for a few seconds...then call 911 and clean up the scene
I would keep an eye on his blood pressure and breathing while I called 911. I'm CPR certified and I also have a defibrillator if I needed to use it. Originally Posted by MsElena
Does that defibrillator have any other uses. Would it bring a limp dick back to life?