Here is your choice libs an utterly stupid post.
Here is your choice libs
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What an utterly stupid post.
But that is typical for JD when Sarah Palin is involved.
I don't want either of these women to set foot in the Oval Office.
But if I was forced to choose one at gunpoint, I would take the Hildebeast.
I trust her a lot more to take that call at 3 AM than I would the trailer trash from Alaska. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I knew you would choose Hilldabeast, just like you will vote for her, no matter who is running... nyRINOer Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDBWhat a dumb comment. You get a "choice" between a politician of dubious morals and a complete wacked out lunatic. EXNY says he'd reluctantly choose the lesser of two evils--the politician--because the loon is really, really scary. Most sane people would make the same choice, Dem or Rep. Then you say try to spin it that the lesser evil is now what he WANTS in office?
What an utterly stupid post.REALLY? She already had her chance and she put the phone under her pillow without answering it. Benghazi will hang around her neck forever.
But that is typical for JD when Sarah Palin is involved.
I don't want either of these women to set foot in the Oval Office.
But if I was forced to choose one at gunpoint, I would take the Hildebeast.
I trust her a lot more to take that call at 3 AM than I would the trailer trash from Alaska. Originally Posted by ExNYer