What's your beef?


according to Omaha, I am :

" even-tempered, strive for balance in life and have laid back attitudes with a bit of a maverick spirit. "

Jus sayin................
I am, "passionate and somewhat indulgent, with a strong personality and take charge attitude."

So sayeth the cow.
Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
Top Sirloins are mainstream with a down to earth philosophy on life and a “what you see is what you get” attitude

Lol I guess ...
"even-tempered, strive for balance in life and have laid back attitudes with a bit of a maverick spirit"

lol .......half of it is correct (not telling which half). ;-)
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
is any hookers fav beef COCK? not the turky kind but the boner kind
Satyrrical's Avatar
Mine isn't mentioned. Flat iron, as tender and flavorful as any listed at about a third of the price. Guess he would have labeled me as "cheap ass bastard."
"mild mannered, tender hearted, meticulous and enjoy simple elegance"

curious indeed...
big boi terry's Avatar
My God, that article was interesting, considering that the Rib Eye is my fav. cut of beef, the description fits me rather well lol. But it did leave out the part "and enjoys sex lol.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Mine is not mentioned, but I believe it would say I like babee.
Mmm, I'm on board with UF with the filet!