Anyone else have this issue?

BootyfulGia's Avatar
Seems like every time there's an influx of people to the city (AllStar, Mardi Gras, now Jazz Fest & Zurich Classic) calls don't come through on my work phone. Then all of a sudden I have 10 voicemails & texts coming through like crazy! Grrrrr it drives me crazy, so I go to Boost & of course it's working there.
Any advise from anyone, of anyone have these same issues with cell phones?
Phantom184's Avatar
It could be numerous of things causing it to do that. There are times when airplanes that fly overhead will cause that. You could be roaming or you could be too far away from a cell tower to even get a signal. But to be safe, i would advise you to go get it checked out by your cell provider.
BootyfulGia's Avatar
I did & just my luck the phone was working fine when I was there! It started late yesterday evening, into today. And I've had this issue at my house in Metairie all the way to my incall on the westbank. It's crazy, more aggravating.
My rant for today Skny!
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I have the same problem with my phone(I have T-Mobile) sometimes when I travel and it is very frustrating. I have contacted support and they always tell me I should turn my phone completely off for a few minutes every day and then restart it to refresh my connection. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't.
Phantom184's Avatar
I did & just my luck the phone was working fine when I was there! It started late yesterday evening, into today. And I've had this issue at my house in Metairie all the way to my incall on the westbank. It's crazy, more aggravating.
My rant for today Skny! Originally Posted by BootyfulGia

Hahaha, that has happened to me with my phone before. So, I know how you are feeling. That is why i switched to a Notebook 3. Haven't had any issues with the phone..........YET! haha
BootyfulGia's Avatar
Well after hours on the phone with techs in India somewhere ;-) they said the issue with my service is the towers can't handle the congestion in the city!
So my question to all with pre paid "hobby phones" (other than Boost) what service do you use? How was your service this weekend with the influx of people to the city?
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
A long, long time ago--like seriously, over a decade ago, I had the same issue. No calls or VMs for two-weeks, then when I drove across a major interstate on my way back home, "bing!" 24 VMs... That was way back when coverage wasn't as good. I haven't had the issue since. The provider @ the time was Verizon.

Verizon does have the best coverage. They're expensive & customer-service sucks. But their coverage is the best...
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
Pull the battery out while it is powered on and always check for network updates before traveling (while in home of phone service)