Auctioning off Virginity ...

Hey guys,

Yesterday I recieved a call from a close friend of mine, who is a provider. She told me to turn on the television to "The Tyra Show"

Talk shows aren't really my cup of tea but she sounded SO entertained, that I obliged.

The focus of the show was this 22 year old virgin auctioning off her virginity at the Cat House in Vegas. She was gorgeous, very intelligent, articulate, well mannered, and not only is she doing this to secure the financial aspect of furthering her education ...

she is also using this "auction" to produce a case study. She didn't go into detail about what the focus of the case study would be about, but it sounds like something I would love to read when the finished product is ready.

What do you all think about this? Obviously, there was a negative backlash from the audience and one provider at the Cathouse even said ....

"Breaking ones' virginity is usually a horrible experience. I'm getting paid A LOT less, to show a man an amazing time... and you're getting paid a ridiculous amount of money to show the highest bidder a horrible time. You have no idea what you're doing."

Being active in the hobby ... what do you ladies and gents think??
Dawgs, would you bid?
Do we have any bidders in this forum?
I've had sex with only one virgin and I wouldn't want to do it again, but not everyone feels the way I do. I guess there are men out there that fantasize over that and are willing to pay. I guess it is whatever floats your boat.
I've had sex with only one virgin and I wouldn't want to do it again, but not everyone feels the way I do. I guess there are men out there that fantasize over that and are willing to pay. I guess it is whatever floats your boat. Originally Posted by Nightwalker
And you are absolutely right Nightwalker ... but we're talking about 6-7 figures here as opposed to the 1,000-5,000 that I've seen providers charge for an overnight.
JMStryker's Avatar
I wouldn't want to do that for two reasons. One, it's her virginity, not an autographed football. I never dug that idea in the slightest. Second, I lost my v card to another virgin and it was messy, physically and emotionally. The only reasonit wasn't a total disaster was because we were both total perverts and were preparing for tht day lol.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I have been with a virgin, it was not a fun experience, do not want to do that again, much less pay for it, but that's just me.
Hmmm, that gives me an idea....I wonder if any ladies would be willing to take my virginity. I'm guessing I could generate maybe $5.00....and thats being generous. LOL

Been there, done that, twice. Never again even if she paid me!
I guess the suicide bombers that are promised 70 virgins don't know what they're getting themselves into. LOL
I think virgins are great. I have had 9 in mylife time. Each was truly an amazing experience. I dont think i would be willing to pay top dollar for one though. For the price they are probally paying.
lmao @ haya1300 & rpmsouth!!
What can I say Eden...I'm just happy when the lady doesnt slam the door shut in my face when she sees me. I've been told I'm a good cross between Jabba the Hut and his brother Pizza the Hut.....with a personality similar to Fred Flintstone. Its no wonder I look at these board, no girls gives me the time of day. LOL

:disclaimer.....all posts by haya1300 are purely fictional and are for entertainment purposes only.:
Taking two girls' virginity pretty much made me feel like a very greasy dude both times. The little angel on my shoulder tried to tell them, "run away!!" but the little devil on my other shoulder bitch slapped the angel and told him to shut the fuck up.
luvme98's Avatar
To quote George Costanza "They always remember their first. I don't want to be remembered I want to be forgotten."
The Flash's Avatar
To boldy go where no man has gone before..........thats only good on Star Trek.
I took a boy's virginity last year.
Wasn't so bad.

If that's the way she wants to do it, why not? What's to stop every girl from claiming virginity? -- I didn't bleed the first time I had sex, but it wasn't pleasant.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Any guy who claims he does not know if he has been with a virgin, simply has not been with a virgin because I certainly knew. The tightness is actually painful even for the guy. I usually analogize my experience with a virgin as tightening a vice against my manhood as hard as one can turn it and then try fucking it - not a pleasant experience at all due to the woman's anatomy. So, I think it is somewhat different for a woman taking a man's virginity, my first time was certainly not painful at all, just sort of clumsy.

Allbeit anyone's first time, I have to assume that person has absolutely no idea what they are doing, just my humble opinion.