BR Providers... I am so ashamed of myself!

I was in Baton Rouge for an extended weekend and met a lot of really decent gentlemen. I had a wonderful time with the individuals I spent time with ...


This is a thread for all the providers in BR, who can relate to what I'm about to say. I dealt with it horribly but I take my hat off to you women who tolerate this type of behavior and keep your resolve.

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I placed my ads for Baton Rouge on various websites and waited. Instantly I was recieving calls and emails. I booked the amount of appointments I wanted to take for that weekend and shut my phone off for the first time in my career as a provider. There are 3 instances that stick out in my mind that I feel I should mention:

1. The first night I was there and after a nice date, I came out the shower and got a phone call from an individual who claimed to "represent" a particular church. He told me that what I was doing was going to land me in an eternity of fire and that God sent him to save me.

My response:
"So you really want me to believe that God told you to search through adult websites for souls to save? You sound like a horny hypocrit! I hope you enjoyed my photos and my voice. I WILL PRAY FOR YOU!"
And I hung up.

2. I have about 14 photos in my Media Mail inbox on my phone, from pimps, of money shaped in messages. One said "Choose Up", another one read "Botton Bitch", and another one read "Ballin". -- Are these guys serious??

My response:
After the 10th picture, I was upset and called on of the numbers and said... "So you really want me to believe that there is something gratifying about you taking your ladies money, that they work hard for, and entrust you to do the right thing by them?? Someone should make you spread your cheeks and then take all your money!"

3. Usually, when I get the "What is it going to take to just take you out to dinner" calls, I explain nicely how being in a relationship would be a distraction and that I'm flattered but no thank you. After the 5th person asking me that, my nerves were shot!

Him: "What is it going to take to just take you to dinner and a movie?"
Me: " 250 dollars just like everyone else! You are not exempt so please redirect your attention to the Women seeking Men section of craigslist."

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I am so ashamed of myself for the way I behaved! Giving in to the temptation to ignore my resolve. I am known for having a positive disposition and genuinely enjoying the company of wonderful gentlemen... but inbetween the quality appointments, the ridiculousness that providers have to deal with is astounding.

Yes I realize that these situations come with the territory of being a provider and that's why I feel so bad for losing my cool.

Just thought I would share ...
Child please you did better than me. I will not return to BR because of the foolishness I encountered. I started flat out telling people to fuck themselves before cutting my trip short. My hats off to yo BR girls you are a strong bunch
  • MrGiz
  • 12-13-2010, 06:13 AM
Sorry to hear about the CrAzIeS getting to you in BR!!

I only have one suggestion which might help a little bit in the future....
- Only give your number out to guys that have passed screening, and that you believe are sincere in setting up a date!!
- All initial correspondence can be handled via email.

It won't keep them from blowing up your email.... but phone calls are a hell of a lot more intrusive!!

Giz's $.02
I was reading your post marveling at your decorum in those situations. Please, think nothing of your behavior. You handled them well.
LilRed's Avatar
I am so sorry to hear this Eden (and Jaharia) and I apologize for the behavior of the men in my city. It is a hard town to work! And even harder to keep your cool sometimes. Reading posts like this really make me appreciate the gems I have found in BR. There are some wonderful men in this town. Unfortunately, the bad apples leave you with a distaste for BR. And the men wonder why there aren't more providers here!!!! On average, I turn down ten appointments a day and have no one to send them to! And it's because of behavior like this we can't get anyone to stay!

I think you handled yourself just fine. No apology needed for being human. We ladies do have our limits! We can only deal with so many ass holes a day! Lol. Because of my traveling with clients and being unreachable by phone while on their time, I have cut down on the number of idiot calls a day. I stopped posting on BP because most of them were coming from there. Giz is right about not having your number out there, it does help stop some of it and hitting the delete key is much easier than dealing with the phone call.
I agree with LilRed on this one. No apology needed. I can't say I've ever encountered this kind of thing here, and I'm in BR 3/4 of the time (the caveat may be that I usually see those who are visiting the area, and rarely locals, BR being the capital and all). I've found that I need to watch where I post ads, and like Giz said, I leave out my number. Gents I've seen can call me anytime, but men who are new to me are restricted to email until they've been screened. I've never gotten a pimp invite, but who knows. Maybe I'm not pimp material? LOL. Don't let 'em get you down though. If they were "ballin'" so well, why would they need you?

Sorry to hear that I missed you when you visited. Maybe next time we'll have a drink. *smooches*
weebbadd's Avatar
Eden, I think you showed great restraint I woulda wanted to hammer those crazies. I have to agree that you need to not publish your phone number, only give it out after screening. I wouldn't have a problem with that if you were screening me. (Mmmmm, maybe I should get screened, you are one hot lady!)
And I've seen lots of providers who don't publish face pics, again only send after screening, that works for me.( It is nice to see your beautiful smiling face tho. )
Just thinking about your security tho....
Don't let them few fools get you agitated, us real guys will treat you great like a real classy lady you are!
That sounds like alot. People should be more considerate to providers y'all have a hard time as it is dealing with wierdos I wish everyone could be respectful but that's no how are world is. Lafayette is full of respectfull hobbyist haven't seen to many complaints on the board would love to see you Eden among Many other new Orleans and baton rouge providers!
DallasRain's Avatar
I alwys have an awesome time in BR....I have some really cool clients there!!!!{and a new provider friend that I hope to start doing doubles with SOON}

{I aguess I am fortunate that 97% of my biz comes from this when I do post on BP,I can be picky and not have to give assholes any consideration}...But then again I have worked very very hard to have that priveledge!!!
I have earned a reputation that allows me to be choosy!!

I am even going to start touring BR couple times a month!!!
Outdoorsman's Avatar
So, what would it take for me to just take you to dinner?

I could not resist, sry. I actually do go to dinner with providers off the clock, but only the ones I have become freinds with, which means I have had to have had several sessions with you before that ever comes up and it usually is a last minute thing as we are both hungry after a session kinda thing.

Sorry to hear this about BR, but happier to hear that is not a problem in NO.
My biggest problem in BR was the idiots not respecting my time...
Booking a 4pm appt and no call now show till 6:30 and has an attitude because I wont see him type shit.

Never got the what about the "just dinner calls"
But I got plenty of the " you should be my woman and let me take care of you" bullshit.

Then I had several guys try to tell me that Im not me trying to get discounted service.
Do BR girls really fall for that?

I deal with a few nut jobs in Nola but BR takes the cake!!

My hats off to you dallas & red

(it could be where i advertise too tho)
Well, I haven't been workin lately, but I'm in BR and the clients I've seen here have treated me pretty good. Since I stopped advertising my number, the late phone calls, text messages, and pimps-r-us have completely stopped! Lol. So I am email only. I get some pretty retarded one from time to time, but I am less stressed out, I live my life, noone tells me what to do or how to do it. Some people just like to see us get outraged and ignorant I believe . But, I don't think you acted badly. Don't even worry about that girl.
LilRed's Avatar
If it makes you feel any better, the idiots don't just live in BR. I posted for one day in NOLA, my only day to work in La for the next two weeks. I only see two people a day, and one of my two appointments just had to cancel because of his job. So I thought I'd go back to my emails on some other request I had to say no to. And OMGoodness, I had seven emails all with the same stuff you were talking about.. Dinner, requests for bargains and discounts and one email was all nude pics and they weren't of his face! The crazies are everywhere!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
I hate "dick shot"!!!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
YEAH...those ALWAYS TURN ME ON HAHA... This is a funny thread. I have to keep the phone on but thank god we have been here soooooo long that even the freaks and cheap fucks dont bother...