Head of African-American Pastors group calls for civil disobedience over SCOTUS gay marriage ruling

The head of an organization of African-American pastors said Saturday that Christians must oppose the Supreme Court's gay marriage ruling through civil disobedience because " you do something to get arrested to call attention to the injustice."

" I was in the civil rights movement, so I know how to do it " the Rev. Bill Owens, president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP), said in an interview. " When we sat at the counters at restaurants, we knew we were going to get arrested. You do things to get arrested, to call attention to it. " " The homosexual community has not show all of what it's going to do" Owens said. He mentioned a 2013 California law that allows boys and girls to use the same bathrooms and showers in public schools.

He also said that he believed that President Obama had always supported gay marriage. " He knew that he was going to do it the second term," owens said. " His deal was, ' Get me elected the first time, and I'll come out for same-sex marriage in my second term."

" He deceived the American people, because the black community would not have backed him had he come out the first time for same sex marriage. Some people just don't want to speak against Obama. "

" It's the new civil rights movement, because they are taking away our rights. They are taking away the Christian's rights. This is just a start. "

" We have nothing against homosexuals," Owens added, " but when you start talking about marriage, and then the indoctrination of children, where are we going ? Where is this society headed ? "

So will odummer be backing these Reverends, like he does "Reverend" Sharptounge and "Reverend" Jeremiah "GD America" Wright, or will he side with woomby and shammy's swishy walking crowd over whose "rights" take precedents ?

We are in for some interesting times folks !!
Blacks are loosing rights over same sex marriage???? LOL
  • DSK
  • 06-28-2015, 03:47 PM
I like that preacher!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-28-2015, 04:36 PM
What next Rey? The KKK calling for civil disobedience
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-28-2015, 04:39 PM
I like that preacher!!! Originally Posted by DSK
We can have black preachers marching against Gay rights followed Southern Rednecks marching against both Gay rights and Black civil rights and the circle will be complete!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have news for you EVA. I have a friend who does taxes for H & R Block. She says that Kansas is a common law state without a history. That means that a couple (any couple now) who looks like a married couple is, under Kansas tax law, a married couple. So, EVA, you and your partner are going to have to file as a married couple next year. That includes everything from withholding to Obamacare subsidies.

So blacks are being infringed upon....no, every gay couple who resides in the same house will be a married couple next year for tax purposes.
I have news for you EVA. I have a friend who does taxes for H & R Block. She says that Kansas is a common law state without a history. That means that a couple (any couple now) who looks like a married couple is, under Kansas tax law, a married couple. So, EVA, you and your partner are going to have to file as a married couple next year. That includes everything from withholding to Obamacare subsidies.

So blacks are being infringed upon....no, every gay couple who resides in the same house will be a married couple next year for tax purposes. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Got news for you judy, Kansas has been a common law state for years, it was residing for seven years , now it is just setting up housekeeping together. So rest easy tonight while taking it up the ass, you will be able to receive your pardner's benefits.
Wait for the Muslim's reaction. They'll lose their heads over it.
We can have black preachers marching against Gay rights followed Southern Rednecks marching against both Gay rights and Black civil rights and the circle will be complete! Originally Posted by WTF
Then you got the Hater Monkeys throwing SHIT and the whole circle becomes disorganized...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....thanks EVA.
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....thanks EVA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I would never imitate your dumb ass judy....
Here is a link


All I can say is, tough shift, Black Pastors. You knew President Obama was nothing but a smarmy little Demagogue when you jumped on the "he's Black, so let's support him" bandwagon. You were no better than the professional poverty pimps and hate mothers such as the "Rev" Al Sharpton, the "Rev" Jesse Jackson, the "Rev" Jerry Write, and others when you failed to inform your Congregations that much of The Democrat Party's Platform is in contradiction with Christian Values.

Besides, you ain't doing such a great job anyway. What's allowing two Fags or two Dykes to get married compared to the shambles that much of "your" community is in anyway? The highest out of wed lock birth rate, the highest incarceration rate, the highest unemployment rate, and an entire generation lost to the Liberal/Progressive/Democrat idea of herding you into ghettos and slum housing projects, giving you free handouts, destroying your work ethic, and destroying the Black Family Structure is what you got for your support and your vote, all in the name of "equality".

You sold out. Live with it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Iis this still a source of outrage?

The CHURCHES are against gay marriage? Really? REALLY?

Go figure.

Now you guys are ready to buddy up to them. Makes perfect sense, if you can't burn'em, shoot'em, blow'em up, join'em!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and yet you did...

According to Kansas law, there is no seven year period. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, then it is a duck. (I'd better explain that to him) If a couple looks like their married, behave like their married, and maintain a household like their married...then according to Kansas tax law and the Supremes ruling...they are married now