Supremes throw out EPA reg on coal fired plants...

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....EPA responds with, it's too late and what difference does it make now after three years.

So to recap, the EPA issued illegal regulations (and they were told this at the time), power plants have spent billions of dollars getting into compliance or shut down raising energy prices and the EPA doesn't care. I'd say some firings were in order.
....EPA responds with, it's too late and what difference does it make now after three years.

So to recap, the EPA issued illegal regulations (and they were told this at the time), power plants have spent billions of dollars getting into compliance or shut down raising energy prices and the EPA doesn't care. I'd say some firings were in order. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Firings hell, firing squads for the sodOBAMites that AGAIN arrogantly make rules in violation of the law and in their hell bent foaming-at-the-mouth lather to appease Internet Al Gore and the "Global Warming" sheep. These liberal SOBs consider themselves to be "all knowing" when it comes to laws to "protect us from ourselves."