To review or not to review??????

LSU FAN's Avatar
Ok here is my question. You see many reviews on the same ladys. As for instance I had a wonderful session with Dallas the other night..... Now everyone here knows Dallas is legit an what kinda session she provides.... Does another review help her??? Another instance I have reviewed kinky little nicky 3 times is that to much by the same hobbiest? I am not bashing anyone just looking for some educated hobbiest thoughts as well as providers.... Thanks in advance !
Outdoorsman's Avatar
My opinion is do whatever you desire. Me, I enjoy writing so I reviewed the same lady about 11 times in a one year period. I did not care what others thought, this is a website of information exchange. If the reader is dulled by reading reviews by same hobbyist skip over it, that's my thought. More information is better than less also just my opinion. I hope my reviews helped her but if not that's okay I write for my pleasure as well. Writing to me is not a chore it is what I enjoy. So I went with it. If writing is a big chore than do not do it. But remeber writing a review is not done just to help the lady, it is also done to help us dawgs who have not seen her yet, and new dawgs that come onto the scene. So, IMHO a review is always a good thing to do for all involved.
I second Outdoorsman. It's your decision me personally I don't mind and think the more the better.
The Flash's Avatar
Write the reviews. It is nice to see up to date info on ladies. Gives us an idea if there have been any changes in services or accuracy of pics, as they are often old.
JMStryker's Avatar
As the other gents have said, keep reviewing as much as you please. It educates a lot of fellas that are new to the game.
I recently read this thread . It seemed like a lot of those ladies hated reviews. In contrast, I have had several discussions with ladies in this area and they all said that reviews drove their business. I think it really depends on the lady. There seems to be more and more competition and reviews truly help the ladies we know and love from here.

I have done a 180 on reviews. I at first would never write them. Then I would only write them if they haven't been mentioned recently. Now, I have started writing more and more. Still don't write them for everyone I see though. Thats just me.

Do what you want to do, but please, if its a shitty time please write a review.

Anyway, do what you want
JMStryker's Avatar
That's a good point, stick. I'm not as active as the other hobbyists, but when I write a review, I try to keep it to the noteworthy. If they had me begging to be their personal fucktoy or if I ran screaming from the room, warning evryone to stay away.
I can never read enough reviews about Dallas, even though everyone here knows what kinda service she provides.
DallasRain's Avatar
awwww thanks yall!

I thank yall guys who DO write reviews...they all help no matter good or bad!
{for both hobbyist and provider}...I use the reviews as part of my advertising{LOL}

I get all tingly when I read my makes me feel like I am doing something right ,helps me realize I am making someone else feel good,and it helps keep me "motivated" and also makes me "horny for the next ride"!!!!

In fact,I got to write MY OWN first review of a 3 guy call yesterday{in another realm section}
sandmanlou's Avatar
Write the review. Different perspective is always great.
I am with Dallas on this one. It helps all involved. Good or bad. And it helps me feel better when I am having a bad day. Keeps me motivated.

You should do what feels right for you.