ethanol free gas

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
for those interested.....

it is a listing of gas stations that carry ethanol free gas.

for those not in the know about ethanol, it is a corn-based additive to gasoline. bad thing about it is it attracts water & moisture. This was done to support the Corn market, its sort of like a forced subsidy on the market.
docdavid49's Avatar
Thanks for this DF. Bike runs like crap when I cannot find any ethanol free for it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
your welcome. it is sort of useless tho, considering the U.S. govt. is hell bent on this ethanol inclusion thing.
Dilbert, your right about the BS the Feds are shoving up our tailpipes, without the subsides from the feds ethanol blend gas would be more expensive than regular gas.
An outboard motor mechanic friend told us not to use it in our motors, it tears them up faster. Biofuel is the way to go if you have a diesel, and natural gas should be the no. 1 priority for this country to go to. Gee you don't think BIG OIL has a hold of our Politicians. Could be.
pornodave69's Avatar
Ethanol was produced to lessen dependency on fossil fuels and produce less pollutants. It actually takes more energy to produce ethanol than to just burn gas plus it increases the cost of food across the board.

Corn is used in approximately 2,500 items on grocery store shelves. When corn goes up, it costs more to feed cattle, thus raising the price of meat and dairy products, cereal prices go up and a whole host of other things do as well.

But you never hear the "progressives" talk about "Big Corn" now, do you?
pornodave69's Avatar
Funny, John Stossel is discussing this right now on his show on Fox News.