If you recognize me in a public place... please just ignore me! I swear, you won't hurt my feelings...

Last weekend a gentleman approached me in a restaurant. Although totally think he didn't have bad intentions but to say hi, he put me in an awkward situation with friends and family.
I'm sorry but I've bumped into few guys specially living in Dallas but I always ignored them totally. Maybe involuntary eye contact but no words or face expressions whatsoever... Just me...

So, what you guys a girls do when you bump into someone you have meet BCD in the hobby and you have seen him or her few times?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
What people should do is an easy and obvious answer: Neither a client nor a provider should acknowledge the other in a public setting unless either both have agreed beforehand that it's okay, or it's part of some hobby- related activity, such as a date or a social.

That guy put you in a compromising situation, and that's not acceptable. I'm not sure what the appropriate retribution should be, but he at least ought to know that he messed up.
corona's Avatar
Ignore. At most, perhaps a wink, but that's it. Discretion people.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Wow , You would think that's clearly how to play it (discretion) ( there I go thinking again)
I'm not sure what the appropriate retribution should be, but he at least ought to know that he messed up. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Absolutely agree. I would think it's a "given"....one of those so-called unwritten rules of the hobby. Wouldn't plain ol' common sense prevail if you were to run into someone in a public setting that you've seen BCD? smh...

We all have RW friends, family, business associates, etc....approaching someone (even to say Hi) puts that person in a terrible predicament if surrounded by any of the aforementioned.
lda523287's Avatar
What people should do is an easy and obvious answer: Neither a client nor a provider should acknowledge the other in a public setting unless either both have agreed beforehand that it's okay, or it's part of some hobby- related activity, such as a date or a social.

That guy put you in a compromising situation, and that's not acceptable. I'm not sure what the appropriate retribution should be, but he at least ought to know that he messed up. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-24-2017, 09:56 AM
This conversation came up once with a client of mine while talking about a trip to Vegas where he would have RL friends also on the trip, and I would essentially be on my own trip except the times we agreed were for us.

I love this type of arrangement since I love to explore and geocache.

However, it never happened for one reason...

He stated that it would be taboo for me to approach him if I ran into the group accidentally. DUH I said.. Then he followed up with "But, I don't care who you might be with if I see you out and I am alone, I am still going to come say hi to you since we are friends"... Dude... DUDE... do you not get it? Seriously?

Laura Lynn's Avatar
There are rules, for safety and sense of security.

This place is just a fantasy. Maybe you have had me in your dream or you were in mine. It's completely inappropriate to approach, even to say a simple "Hi"

Best to ignore, ignore, ignore. I dont even want to see a message that says, you looked pretty when I saw you at...... That gives me the creeps!!
Real easy fight club rules just ignore contact later let her know she looked hot as hell in rollers and sweat pants chasing after her kids at Kroger.
I would be pissed if I was out with fhe family and had a hot young lady come up give me a big kiss Hi mustache it's been a while since you paid to fuckme miss you give me a call.
There are some real fucktards on here who just don't get it.
Gimmeallten$'s Avatar
Some guys just don't get it. You have some brain dead people who just do dumb stuff. It's all about privacy!!! Still SMH that this happened. I've seen a few providers out in public and they have noticed me. Just keep it moving, we are all invisible. That's my mission statement....
  • DSK
  • 01-24-2017, 11:23 AM
I've actually had it happen to me before. I just told my wife I had made cakes for her wedding, but I was shocked that she was so nice to me, because she was a real bitch about her cakes and I didn't really want to talk to her again.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Normally I just shout out a real loud " HEY YOU ", then I run toward them giving a wicked chest bump followed by a couple of high fives and an even louder " WAZZZ UPPP " !

TinMan's Avatar
Is it ok if my eyes bug out of my head and my jaw drops to the floor? Or is that too obvious?
rofl...this is kinda silly...

So someone can't see you in public and say "Hi" or smile & nod, and keep on walking? If something so innocuous raises the suspicion of ppl you're with, then that's a bit strange.

But to each their own.

I suppose the potential is there for a guy to act like a jackass, whether intentional or not. So I can understand the fear.
EROS725's Avatar
Smack them on the ass and say good job baby!!!

Discretion is very important. I would not acknowledge them and would expect the same in return. It is not being rude, it is being respectful of their private life and them doing the same for you.