Opinions on the FBSM Experience

I keep hearing from providers who don't have a space to offer FBSM (no table, no incall, etc.) So, I've been toying with the idea of putting together a little co-op of sorts for FBSM ladies. I've found a few locations that might work, but I have a few questions for the ladies and gents here.

Location: One location I'm looking at is in a professional office building. No shower available, but it's a large building with a very nondescript door/suite location. Much more discrete than a hotel or apartment. The other location is a 2-bedroom, 2 bath apartment, showers available but if you have an appointment there, you can't explain to potential nosy onlookers than you were just going to a doctor's visit.

Gentlemen: When you're looking for an FBSM, how important is it for you to have a shower? What would you look for in an FBSM incall location? What are the top 3 factors in your decision to choose an FBSM lady over another?

Ladies: What would you look for in an FBSM-only incall location? What are some concerns you would have over sharing a location with other ladies in a co-op (pay "rent" per appointment) situation?
I rarely do FBSM anymore however for me
It would have to be a safe location near downtown off the beaten path as my current incall is.
*I personally would never share an incall with anyone fbsm or gfe.
to each her own... Happy Hunting!
Hi Natalie!! I offer 2 different locations for my appts depending on specifics of the date... For me personally, a full bath including a shower, to be able to offer and freshen up is absolutely a necessity. I use a mix of unscented oil and lotion and am very careful of not leaving any trace behind of scent or touch on the skin in case there is a SO waiting. (I have realized there is no such thing as true unscented oils/ lotions). If I was to consider an incall for this type of appt, I would like for it to be as discreet as any incall could be... Always keeping safety in mind!!

Hope this helps... And if you do decide to move forward, would love to check it out, so definitely keep me in mind!!
cckid2006's Avatar
I always shower before an incall, but would be uncomfortable knowing the provider didn't have access to one. Not keen on apartments. i prefer going to incall at hotels.

As far as what go I look for:
Use reviews to narrow the field, but I always go with my gut after talking to the lady. If the lady doesn't have good phone skills or is rude, she's out.
Stringer's Avatar
I consider no shower a deal-breaker. I generally schedule massages in the middle of the workday, and I've never been up for heading back to the office while oily. I'm also paranoid about having a "There's Something About Mary" moment as the result of incomplete toweling off in dimly lit rooms

I'm strictly an FBSM guy and have been since the late 90's -- not that you asked, but here are my top concerns when it comes to an incall:

  • Clean and functional shower, ideally with unscented soap.
  • A location that doesn't leave me wondering if my car will be vandalized while I'm getting rubbed down
  • Ability to control the amount of light in the room: sometimes I want to trance out and the less light the better; sometimes I want a good look at whoever is working on me
  • Discreet entrance. A side hallway at the back of a building in the back of a complex is great -- knocking at the door of a courtyard style complex where everyone can see you isn't.
  • Only one therapist working at a time: nothing creeps me out more than hearing someone come into the apartment mid-session to lead some other hardleg to the second bedroom. Not cool unless you're in an AMP.
  • Clean and reasonably decent smelling: doesn't have to be flawless but should definitely not smell like a catbox, for example...
A business location with a shower would be ideal for the reasons you mention in your original post, but I'm generally ok with apartments if the entrance is discreet.
Pinot_Noir's Avatar
- west of Mopac or downtown.
- house or apartment, no hotel or office
- discreet
- massage table and trained
- good music
- clean
- shower
- 150 per hour or less
- attractive and friendly
- quiet and not very talkative
- not a time watcher
Happy Diver's Avatar
Shower is usually essential for me with unscented soap as I have a SO. North is better for me. good music, clean are important. Massage table is not essential but a plus. House or Apartment better than hotel or office. Talkative can be ok, but just depends what they are talking about. Not a time watcher is always important as this is primarily about relaxation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think Stringer pretty much said what I think.

Shower is real important to me. Worse than smelling like oil is smelling like rubbing alcohol.
Got to wash up after a FBSM. Just the way it is.

Now, warning. Be careful about a co-op type arrangement. Talk to a lawyer (remember he can't tell the cops about anything). I would suspect that there are some "bawdy house" considerations.

A smallish office building with many small offices would be best, IMHO, as long as it had a shower. I usually see a few on the SB side of MoPac around 2244 and there's some more in the area around the N side of Barton Creek Mall. At least one of these is a converted apartment complex.
shower is very important. dont want to go home all oily. someone to wash my back is nice as well.

dim lighting is a must for me. music as well, as long as its not super loud. conversation should be engaging but not overbearing.

i think apartment or home is best. discreet entrance would be nice as well but not a deal breaker.

definitely want to be the only gent in the place. that would just weird me out.

as to why i would choose one fbsm lady over another... ill have to pm that to you. lol.