Why Did NBC Delibertly Alter Zimmerman 911 Call?

I had no idea they did this untill I heard it on ORielly tonight.

Why did they do this? Didn't they realize that sooner or later the entire, and correct, transcript would be made public?

Did the Special Prosecutor use the altered NBC transcript in making her decision?

This is very strange behavior by what is supposed to be a Professional News Network.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think that they really wanted to contaminate the jury pool.

I think that they wanted to create a lynching environment.

I think that they wanted innocent people to get hurt in response to the "injustice".

I thinkt that they did this all for money.
It is sensationalism that sells now,most all news takes or alters something to rile the public.They use to report the news not create it.
joe bloe's Avatar
They did it because they're leftists. The left benefits from racial tension. The Democrats want blacks to believe that America is fundamentally racist to the core. As long as blacks believe they're being victimized by racism they will vote for Democrats to defend them from the evil white people.
They had to make George Zimmerman look like a Racist Vigilante from the start. I guess that is better than him simply being a neiborhood watch guy simply doing what he was supposed to be doing.

A few days ago, an unedited tape was released that indicated Zimmerman did not pursue Travon after he was told not to by 911. We were all lead to believe he ignored them.

Leave out a word here, a word there, and you get what you want. Chaos.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There are a lot of questions about how the media came to sensationalize this story that normally would have been 2nd section 4th page news.

The term white Hispanic
the altered photographs
the altered 911 tape
On and on.

I personally think they stumbled across what appeared to be a racial issue because his name was Zimmerman and the young man was black
Plus this was an opportunity to attack a persons right to defend themselves
It seemed on the surface to be a perfectly packaged media event that they did not vet very well.
Obama: "If I had a news network, it would look like NBC."
They may have been trying to help him,I saw the Z man has raised $200.000 some lawyer will get it.
For some reason I remember on other news stations hearing the whole tape in its entirety.. and kept wondering why NBC's Today Show was slightly different. The FULL Version of the 911 call WAS played, repeatedly on CNN and MSNBC... BEFORE this edited version was played on The Today Show.

It still doesn't take away the fact that Zimmerman was not arrested and detained from the get go and then put on trial to prove innocence or guilt. It took the Federal Government to step in after some 45 days later to do this. I still believe Zimmerman has something mentally wrong with him and I also believe that Trayvon Martin was shot in cold blood. Zimmerman stalked him and confronted him. I still believe that. Until I see court evidence otherwise I will still believe that.. altered news tapes or not.

I don't condone any kind of media distortion, but should we keep our eyes on the prize here? He shot an unarmed kid..!


Here is the fuller version of the recording:
Zimmerman: "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about." 911 dispatcher: "OK, and this guy -- is he black, white or Hispanic?"
Zimmerman: "He looks black."

I B Hankering's Avatar
Jackie, where have you been? This whole story is fraught with MSM distortions which has brought about this whole ochlocratic circus.
Martin's age, height and weight were initially stated as being 14 years old, under six foot and 140 pounds when he was actually a 17 year-old football player, at least six feet tall and weighing 160 pounds; whereas, the 1 70 pound, 5'8" Zimmerman was initially reported to be a hulking individual standing at least six foot tall and weighing in at 250 pounds. The MSM (Huffy) continues to use the image of a 14 year old Martin, and, for weeks, the MSM used a seven year old mug shot of Zimmerman, wherein he was wearing an orange jumpsuit, to further distort the story. The witness accounts supporting Zimmerman's story were ignored by the MSM for weeks. MSNBC's Al Sharpton is reporting on and commenting on the sensational stories he helps create!
First, NBC had to apologize for editing Zimmerman’s 911 call to portray him as a racist. NBC claimed “it was an accident” like the omission of “under God” was and accident last summer, but they have dismissed a producer and a reporter for this incident, and that is surprising. Furthermore, NBC made its apology through a press release: NBC never made an on-air admission of its distortion. Hence, NBC’s Kool Aid drinking viewers remain ignorant. http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/...rman-911-call/
Second, ABC has been forced to retract its rush-to-judgment commentary wherein they claimed police surveillance “Video Shows No Blood or Bruises on George Zimmerman.” Enhanced video shows. In fact, ABC was wrong; the video confirmed Zimmerman’s claims. ABC has actually since released new images showing Zimmerman with a bloody scalp. http://abcnews.go.com/US/trayvon-mar...ry?id=16022897
Third, CNN rush-to-judgment commentary claimed Zimmerman used a racial slur, ‘fu**ing c**ns’, to portray him as a racist. Now CNN has been forced to reevaluate its story and admit Zimmerman said ‘fu**ing cold.http://www.theblaze.com/stories/cnn-...ial-slur-used/
The MSM also reported that Zimmerman was a hyperactive vigilante who called 911 over forty times in a one-year period. That too was a lie.
Trayvon Martin Shooter Zimmerman’s Audio Tapes Show Calm
By Candace Smith
Apr 6, 2012 12:21pm
SANFORD, Fla. — New analysis of calls to police made by George Zimmerman, who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, show a man who never offered up race as a descriptor of suspicious people in the neighborhood watch area until being prompted by a dispatcher. On the calls he made to Sanford, Fla., police he seems reluctant to take initiative in pursuing one suspicious man.
Since August 2011, Zimmerman has called in to a non-emergency police line seven times [seven calls in seven months], according to documents released by the Sanford Police Department. Of those calls, five were made to report a “suspicious person.” In the audio released by Seminole County Sheriff’s Department, he describes the suspicious characters as black or African-American, though never mentioning race until after he was asked to describe the characters. These five calls all began similarly, with Zimmerman saying that he was calling as a result of past break-ins or robberies.http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headline...1-audio-tapes/

I still believe Zimmerman has something mentally wrong with him and I also believe that Trayvon Martin was shot in cold blood. Zimmerman stalked him and confronted him. I still believe that. Until I see court evidence otherwise I will still believe that.. altered news tapes or not. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Yep, you exemplify how the MSM has made an impact on the Kool Aid drinking masses.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am sorry but he was handcuffed, taken to the police station and questioned the very same day that it occurred.
The question should be why was he released by the police and not CHARGED.
I would call it being under arrest if I am handcuffed and transported to the police station.
My guess would be that he was not charged at the time because there was insufficient evidence of a crime. It may have taken further investigation to justify a charge. Depending on the state, city or whatever, the procedures could be different than what one would expect in another part of the country. Some places will refer the case to a grand jury without charges in order to determine if there is sufficient evidence for an arrest and a trial.
If you recall there was an independent eye witness that witnessed Martin assaulting Zimmerman but not the shooting.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you recall there was an independent eye witness that witnessed Martin assaulting Zimmerman but not the shooting. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Two independent witnesses.
Two independent witnesses. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

were they eye witnesses or ear witnesses ?
boardman's Avatar
Obama: "If I had a news network, it would look like NBC." Originally Posted by gnadfly

That's funny!
ekim, I suppose in the end the Lawyers get it all.
I saw on a news clip where the prosecution was asking for a bond reassesment, (make it higher), because of the money that is being donated to the Zimmerman Defense Fund.

The Judge said he would look into it. I fail to see the logic in this, but our legal system is becoming, it seems, stranger every day.

As with most Prosecutors, (I have very little trust in any of them), they have now started down a path that they cannot change, they must now either see it all the way through, or drop it.

But then, this is what we get when the legal system is corrupted by heresay, inuendo, people with certain agendas, (on both sides), and just plain stupidity.