Secret Service To Get Chaperones

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now we are protecting the protectors. Do you really think government is not out of control?

Jeesh who is watching the watchers???
Good Lord, Hall Monitors.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What an embarrassment!

. . . The rules of conduct should be spelled out for these agents when they are hired, not chaperoned later while on a mission!

Missy Mariposa's Avatar
What a joke -_-
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-28-2012, 07:46 PM
The only thing dumber than Secret Service agents needing babysitters is being outraged by it.
  • Laz
  • 04-28-2012, 07:53 PM
They are expected to jump in front of a bullet but god help them if they have a drink or get laid. What stupidity. All because one moron did not pay the lady and everyone else has to be first to be holier than thou. Talk about collateral damage.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You will see the dour old maid with the sunglasses and earpiece following them around...I wonder if there are any gay secret service agents???

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The only thing dumber than Secret Service agents needing babysitters is being outraged by it. Originally Posted by Doove
Well, THAT made no sense. I'd ask you to explain, but you won't. Never mind.

Was anyone here outraged by this? I thought it was funny.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Now we are protecting the protectors. Do you really think government is not out of control?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You know how that works: Odumbo and the Secretary of State don't want to share the lime light when it comes to "dispensing foreign aid".
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-29-2012, 05:41 AM
Well, THAT made no sense. I'd ask you to explain, but you won't. Never mind.

Was anyone here outraged by this? I thought it was funny. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Framing it as part of your anti-government screed i think puts it in the class of your emitting outrage.
Doove, I am outraged by the fact that the Agents could have put the President in danger.

But for some reason I am not that outraged by the Agents ordering up Hookers. Every one of us here on ECCIE do the same thing on a regular basis. Maybe it is our way of justifying our activities.

This reminds me of the Tail Hook scandal of a few years back. We all understood that fighter pilots who regularilly flew high performance jets off the decks of carriers, and landed them on the same, naturally they would be a bunch of high strung guys who needed to blow off steam on occasion. If one of them had not started "coloring outside the lines" by sexually abusing a female, we might never have known that such things went on, probably on a regular basis.

I doubt any one is niave enough to think that this latest scandal is an isolated incident. This group of men are no different than any other, one can attend any convention in any major city and you will see the Strip Clubs ordering in more Dancers, and the Hookers coming in from all over. Men like to fuck, and they like to party. Whats new.

The problem is with what I alluded to before. If most guys get caught with a Hooker, an irrate wife might be the worst of his worries.If a Secret Service Agent is blackmailed into compromising the safety of the President, that is serious business.

Maybe the answer is to find a way were men can be men and still fullfill their obligations to their jobs, and society in general. But, I have no idea how we can do that. Not as long as the idea that men like to party, and men like to party with good looking women, is considered a character flaw.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They did their job. Not a single one has admitted that they were scouting for Obama. In a sense they have taken a bullet for the President.
I have nothing but the highest regards and respect for the SS.
Not many would choose to lose their life to save a moron like him and for some it may be a relief to lose their job and be done with the likes of them.

What surprises me is that they were no transsexuals that were being interviewed.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-29-2012, 07:58 AM
Doove, I am outraged by the fact that the Agents could have put the President in danger.

The problem is with what I alluded to before. If most guys get caught with a Hooker, an irrate wife might be the worst of his worries.If a Secret Service Agent is blackmailed into compromising the safety of the President, that is serious business. Originally Posted by Jackie S
100% in agreement. I guess i should have been more clear in that i wasn't referring to a more general outrage.

I just fail to see how this episode goes towards suggesting that government is out of control. Unless, of course, you're one of those people who wants everything to mean that government is out of control.
pyramider's Avatar
I just turned in my resume to become a Secret Service chaperone.